word of god in English

command of God

Use "word of god" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "word of god" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "word of god", or refer to the context using the word "word of god" in the English Dictionary.

1. ‘Speak the Word of God With Boldness’

2. Who keep despising the Word of God?

3. First, you must search the word of God.

4. Again, the seed is the word of God.

5. “The word of God is alive and exerts power.”

6. The seed being sown is “the word of God.”

7. • How has the word of God prevailed in our day?

8. Nourish your faith and testimony with the word of God.

9. A prophet teaches truth and interprets the word of God.

10. Unquestionably, “the word of God is alive and exerts power.”

11. You hid the word of God in a diaper bag?

12. Not walking in Craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully

13. What sorts of people have responded to the word of God?

14. “The word of God is alive and exerts power,” he wrote.

15. The Christian world accepts the Bible as the word of God.

16. * Try the virtue of the word of God, Alma 31:5.

17. Now their lives, too, can add luster to the Word of God.

18. Never let go of the rod of iron—the word of God!

19. They will transmit the word of God and His counsel to us.

20. * Wo be unto him that rejecteth the word of God, 2 Ne.

21. The sisters nourished one another by the good word of God.14

22. What concrete proof exists that the Bible is truly the Word of God?’

23. Absolute inerrancy is therefore to be attributed to the written Word of God.

24. Tim. 5 For it is sanctified through the word of God and intercession.

25. •Many of the Apocryphal books teach heresy, contrary to the Word of God

26. Growing numbers of them do not accept it as the Word of God.

27. Sergius Paulus, the proconsul of Cyprus, sought to hear the word of God

28. October 27 The word of God was not a commandment, but a covenant.

29. But their unbelief does not make the Word of God of no effect.

30. We do not adulterate the Word of God by mixing it with human philosophies.

31. Thus, the entire Bible truthfully is “the word of God.” —1 Thessalonians 2:13.

32. “There is power in the word of God,” he says (see Alma 31:5).

33. Later, Samaritans also accepted the word of God and began to receive holy spirit.

34. Nevertheless, the apostle Paul wrote: “The word of God is alive and exerts power.”

35. This overall harmony is powerful evidence that the Bible is, indeed, the Word of God.

36. Men were departing from the word of God, and exalting theories of their own invention.

37. Bibles to help children and youth develop a deep love for the Word of God

38. Moreover, they diligently studied the Word of God, not just on the Sabbath, but daily.

39. IF IT really is the Word of God, the Bible should be harmonious, not contradictory.

40. What was the meaning of saying that the Vedas were the inspired Word of God?

41. The Authorized King James Version (KJV) of the Bible- the preserved and living Word of God

42. Persons who quickly accept “the word of God,” but only on a surface level, lack endurance.

43. Also, how precious it was to them to have the Word of God in their hands!

44. * Blessed is he who believes in the word of God without being compelled, Alma 32:16.

45. Thus these two would dispute: This one sayeth, “Thou art an extremist,” and the other one sayeth, “Thou art intolerant,” This one Adduceth evidence from a word of God, and that one reasoneth by another word of God.

46. Canaan is a church committed to bringing the Word of God to people near and far

47. Abounding Joy Lutheran Church believes and confesses that the Bible is the written Word of God

48. 4 Paul says, "Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" (Ephesians .

49. That experience has made these travelers even more determined to continue proclaiming the word of God.

50. The word of god as lived throughout the ages and Authoritively presented by the church is called