worf in English


family name; Klingon character from the film and television series "Star Trek" who is a Starfleet officer on the USS Enterprise

Use "worf" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "worf" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "worf", or refer to the context using the word "worf" in the English Dictionary.

1. Mr. Worf, contact Ambassador Alkar.

2. Data believes that sending Worf back through the fissure will return us to our realities.

3. Worf is to be stationed outside his quarters to prevent Alkar getting close to her again.

4. Alkar opens his door to find Worf blocking his way. Finally, he collapses on the floor and dies.

5. Afterwords, Worf initiates a vow of marriage, shouting "tlhIngan jIH" ( Klingonese for "I am a Klingon"), but K'Ehleyr refuses to participate, unwilling to commit to the marriage dictated by Klingon tradition.