woos in English

try to gain the love of (someone, typically a woman), especially with a view to marriage.
he wooed her with quotes from Shakespeare
synonyms:romantically pursuepursuechase (after)courtpay court toromanceseek the hand ofset one's cap for/atmake love to

Use "woos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "woos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "woos", or refer to the context using the word "woos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Therefore, Hollywood woos the foreign press a bit more stridently.

2. In the story, the prince woos and wins the fair maiden.

3. Just hear out the bird in the air twittering its chilly woos.

4. The Courtesan attains intelligence, and woos her client through her education, talents, and charm

5. 10 But with his incomparable fluency, he woos her gallantly and lavishly in rhyming couplets on behalf of another.

6. But with his incomparable fluency, he woos her gallantly and lavishly in rhyming couplets on behalf of another.

7. Its full length contains a mind-boggling number of bodily baubles, Bedeckings with which the lover woos (and fails to win) his lady