word order in English

the sequence of words in a sentence, especially as governed by grammatical rules and as affecting meaning.
It appears to be the case that no language has its word order or anything about its syntax determined by facts of pronunciation.

Use "word order" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "word order" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "word order", or refer to the context using the word "word order" in the English Dictionary.

1. The basic word order can be expressed very simply as Ergative Verb Absolutive.

2. Anastrophe refers to the inversion of the typical word order in a sentence.

3. He made notable contributions to the theories of word order, locality and anaphora.

4. Dutch has almost the same word order as German; see Swan & Smith 2001, pp. 6.

5. Anastrophe is the deliberate changing of normal word order for emphasis or another rhetorical effect

6. In terms of basic word order, Navajo has been classified as a subject–object–verb language.

7. Like the other Gbe languages, Fon is an analytic language with an SVO basic word order.

8. The Analogy relationships get trickier when you get past synonyms and antonyms, where word order doesn't matter

9. Anastrophe is a technique in which a writer changes the word order of a sentence to add emphasis

10. The Antisymmetry of Syntax proposes a restrictive theory of word order and phrase structure that denies this assumption

11. The Antisymmetry of Syntax proposes a restrictive theory of word order and phrase structure that denies this assumption

12. The Antisymmetry of Syntax proposes a restrictive theory of word order and phrase structure that denies this assumption

13. Anastrophe (countable and uncountable, plural Anastrophes) ( rhetoric ) Unusual word order, often involving an inversion of the usual pattern of the sentence

14. 23 The method is: describing the construction mode of disyllabic and polysyllabic words from the aspects of acceptation, part of speech, word order.

15. 18 Minority Students often have inaccuracy and errors about word order when they learn Chinese whish has affected their perfect use of it.

16. Choosing the right word, and the right word order, he illustrated, could make an enormous difference in conveying an image or an idea

17. “Anastrophe” is a Greek word which means “to turn back.” The word order in which sentences are constructed in English is generally subject-verb-object

18. At John 1:1 the anarthrous predicate noun the·osʹ does precede the verb, the Greek word order being literally: “God [predicate] was [verb] the Word [subject].”

19. Anastrophe Meaning: "inversion of usual word order," 1570s, from Greek Anastrophe "a turning back, a turning upside down,"… See definitions of Anastrophe.

20. It is difficult to sign Auslan fluently while speaking English, as the word order is different, and there is often no direct sign-to-word equivalence.

21. Often this involves swapping the normal placement of a noun and an adjective (e.g., body beautiful), but those who employ Anastrophe in their writing routinely change the normal word order of …

22. Learning how to speak with different word order is like driving on the different side of a street if you go to certain country, or the feeling that you get when you put Witch Hazel around your eyes and you feel the tingle.

23. The Agent is a semantic concept distinct from the subject of a sentence as well as from the topic.Whereas the subject is determined syntactically, primarily through word order, the Agent is determined through its relationship to the action expressed by the verb.

24. ‘Old English sounds riddled with Anastrophe to speakers of Modern English.’ ‘He also engages in that time-tested rhetorical device, the ad hominem attack, through an Anastrophe.’ ‘That grandness is achieved with two schemes: Anastrophe (inversion of normal word order) and antithesis (juxtaposition of contrasting ideas).’

25. And this is the best translator of the bunch! Here are the results for some others: Babylon Collins Online-Translator.com Reverso SDL FreeTranslation.com So even with these simple examples, there are already several errors in word choice, word order, and basic grammar (not to mention Bizarreries like Babylon's "que's").

26. 2-gram or Bigram - Typically a combination of two strings or words that appear in a document: short-form video or video format will be likely a search result of Bigrams in a certain corpus of texts (and not format video, video short-form as the word order remains the same).

27. ‘Indeed what a Befitting gift for us from his government.’ ‘That is a mortal trait, not a Befitting attribute for an angel.’ ‘It was a Befitting gift to a great mentor by an equally grateful disciple.’ ‘The English translation, as expected, is splendid in its attempt at tracking the most Befitting word and word order.’

28. One discovers numerous examples in which De Luca uses such rhetorical devices as anadiplosis or the repetition of a word at the end of a clause or at the beginning of another; anaphora or the repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of successive clauses; or Anastrophe which is the inversion of the usual word order within a sentence.