wmd in English

weapon (or weapons) of mass destruction.

Use "wmd" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wmd" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wmd", or refer to the context using the word "wmd" in the English Dictionary.

1. Countering WMD (CWMD) consists of efforts against actors of concern to curtail the conceptu-alization, development, possession, proliferation, use, and effects of WMD and related capabili-ties

2. With a View to address global concerns on the proliferation of WMD to terrorists, India will be tabling once again the consensus resolution on ‘Measures to Prevent Terrorists from Acquiring WMD’.

3. Terrorists and non-state actors gaining access to WMD could have catastrophic consequences.

4. We're back to the days when we were asking, "Does Saddam have WMD or not?"

5. The fight against the proliferation of WMD and their means of delivery is a high priority.

6. We have signalled our willingness to be a part of the international consensus by adopting a comprehensive WMD Export Control legislation.

7. India’s resolution on measures against WMD terrorism has been adopted by the UN General Assembly by consensus since 2002.

8. We therefore welcome Security Council resolution 1540 (2004), as it has been significant in advancing the joint struggle against WMD terrorism.

9. The Network shall also address all aspects of export control linked to WMD or conventional weapons, including dual use goods, as well as space security issues.

10. But as you Alluded to, a weapon of mass destruction in our world goes beyond that [definition] and includes improvised explosive devices." What, exactly, is a WMD?

11. These, as I have already mentioned, will include the fight against terrorism and organized crime, elimination of acts of piracy at sea, reversal of the proliferation of WMD and delivery system.

12. Our WMD Act of 2005 incorporated into national legislation key international standards in export controls, covering technology transfers, end-user or "catch-all” controls, brokering, transshipment and transit controls.

13. India has enacted a number of effective laws and regulations and has put in place institutionalized administrative mechanisms to prohibit WMD access to terrorists and non state actors.

14. UNSC resolution 1540 is in line with our own General Assembly resolution "Measures to prevent terrorists from gaining access to WMD”, adopted by consensus every year since it was first introduced in 2002.

15. Prime Minister Abe commended India’s efforts in the field of non-proliferation including the affirmation that goods and technologies transferred from Japan would not be used for delivery systems for WMD.

16. They regard proliferation of WMD and their delivery systems, particularly the risk of their falling into the hands of terrorists and other non-State actors, as a significant contemporary challenge.

17. NNSA also helps reduce terrorism risks associated with nuclear/radiological materials, facilities, or weapons of mass destruction (WMD)-related materials through outreach and training that strengthens Counterterrorism capabilities and policies at home and overseas.

18. whereas the call of the Non-Aligned Movement for the speedy establishment of a Middle East nuclear-weapons-free zone as a priority step towards the establishment of a WMD-free zone in the region;

19. Anatomizing the Behavior of Chemical and Biological Non-State Adversaries: Gary Ackerman, Victor Asal : Jun 2012 to May 2014: New Analytical Methods for the Exploitation of Open-Source Structured Databases to Enhance Situational Awareness for Effective Counter-WMD Strategies

20. While we redouble our efforts to address challenges of WMD priferation, we must also be aware of other emerging security challenges, which may erode security of the ‘Global Commons’ that cover outer-space, cyber space and global transport and communication networks.

21. The Plche Atmograph closely resembles a single broad leaf, it has the advantage of being symmetrical m respect to horizontal wmd direction, is approximately the same thickness as a leaf, and records evaporation with a time resolution of less than an hour For this reason, it has been postulated that the Pmhe evaponmeter and Atmograph will s