Use "whirled" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "whirled" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "whirled", or refer to the context using the word "whirled" in the English Dictionary.

1. She whirled the rope round and round .

2. Leaves whirled in the wind.

3. The leaves whirled in the wind.

4. The distaff whirled, twisting the threads.

5. The blades of the helicopter whirled powerfully overhead.

6. A tornado whirled into the town last week.

7. The skaters whirled round the ice rink.

8. The electric fan blades whirled in the hot room.

9. It whirled by in a blur of faceless people and formless surroundings.

10. Aswoon: having a feeling of being whirled about and in danger of falling down.

11. I heard the click of a crossbow and a bolt whirled warningly above my head.

12. What does she feel about the media mayhem that whirled round her for months last year?

13. In hunting rhea, guanaco, and other animals in open country, the Bola is whirled like a sling, then thrown p

14. She whirled to face him, braced for further interrogation, her arms wrapped defensively across her waist.

15. He lay there inert, as the room whirled past and Ellwood slipped the needle into his arm.

16. Scooping the cup from the workstation with her good hand, she whirled around and flung its contents into Atrimonides' face.

17. A Celtic pantheon of gods whirled about my head, and I may have got them a bit mixed up here.

18. " I pressed through the rushes, and there...... the native dancers whirled before me...... limbs flailing, arms akimbo...... feet kicking up dust. "

19. 19 Safe in a Pullman , I have whirled through the gloomy, Godforsaken villages of Iowa and Kansas, and the malarious tidewater hamlets of Georgia.

20. The tiny cart rocked as the pony Bucketed down the dip of the road and whirled it through the gates and up the short drive

21. Angule and the Greater Good: The Rise of the Angulan Knights "Girar, the handsome young human Aeon Priest, whirled around, holding his quarterstaff before him

22. They also placed a small ring inside the water tank that whirled more rapidly than the cylinder and created a miniature lab version of the jet stream.

23. Aerophones The archaic bull-roarer (a board attached by rope to a stick and whirled about in the air) survives in various localities, notably in southern Africa among the San and neighbouring peoples.

24. So the SPS is not an accelerator in the literal sense of the term but is more like a sling whirled around at a constant speed but whose stones get heavier as they move.

25. No matter how many billions of years the earth might have whirled in space; no matter how many aeons of time God spent in preparing its life processes, the time came when he turned over its keeping to man.

26. Aloft: 1 adv at or on or to the masthead or upper rigging of a ship “climbed Aloft to unfurl the sail” adv at or to great height; high up in or into the air “eagles were soaring Aloft ” “dust is whirled Aloft ” adv in the higher atmosphere above the earth “weather conditions Aloft are fine” adv upward “the good news sent her spirits Aloft ”