opening argument in English

general explanations given by lawyers at the beginning of a trial before calling witnesses

Use "opening argument" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "opening argument" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "opening argument", or refer to the context using the word "opening argument" in the English Dictionary.

1. No argument.

2. The Ontological Argument attempts to give a deductive argument for theism.

3. Unknown argument type

4. Besides the moral argument for reducing inequality, there is also an economic argument.

5. Apertion - The act of opening; an opening; an aperture

6. Was it an argument?

7. That's a crap argument.

8. It's a seductive argument.

9. Gateway opening.

10. It is actually not an argument at all; it is a knock-out argument.

11. We reject this argument.

12. His argument seems logical.

13. It's a forcible argument.

14. ‘Arguement’ is obsolete of argument

15. The argument was going nowhere.

16. I overheard their argument/them.

17. Opening the pericardium.

18. His first argument involves language.

19. include only takes # argument, not %

20. Support your argument by quotation.

21. The nicety of his argument.

22. Her argument is internally inconsistent.

23. The argument is rather Convoluted

24. The argument is rather convoluted.

25. His argument was barely intelligible.