warning coloration in English

conspicuous coloring that warns a predator that an animal is unpalatable or poisonous.
Pyrazines are extremely volatile compounds and occur alongside warning coloration in insects from widely differing taxonomic groups.

Use "warning coloration" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "warning coloration" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "warning coloration", or refer to the context using the word "warning coloration" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aposematic coloration; warning coloration

2. How to use warning Coloration

3. 1 synonym for Aposematic coloration: warning coloration

4. What does Aposematic mean? Serving to warn off potential attackers: said of an animal's warning coloration

5. Aposematic (warning) coloration is a common defense in plants, although it was largely ignored before 2001

6. Paul Andersen explains how Aposematic coloration (or warning coloration) is used for protection in the natural world

7. Another strange quality of warning coloration is that it varies remarkably little from one species to the next.

8. The skin of some species contains the powerful poison tetrodotoxin; these salamanders tend to be slow-moving and have bright warning coloration to advertise their toxicity.

9. Warning Coloration definition is - conspicuous markings or bright colors possessed by an animal that serve as a warning to potential predators that it is toxic or distasteful