war effort in English

attempt to succeed during battles in a wa

Use "war effort" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "war effort" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "war effort", or refer to the context using the word "war effort" in the English Dictionary.

1. Every available resource went towards the war effort.

2. Why aren’t you doing something toward the war effort?”

3. Frequently priests spoke and acted in full support of the war effort.

4. Pay ransom for our men and finance the war effort against our allies?

5. Many Americans felt it was their patriotic duty to buy bonds to support the war effort.

6. Tons of railings and beautiful iron statues, some from graveyards, were melted down for the war effort.

7. Enquiries regarding sites for hydroelectric schemes and numerous small matters related to the war effort were also dealt with.

8. The mobilization of large numbers of white males for the war effort in-creased apprehension among the population at home.

9. President Franklin Roosevelt's wife Eleanor planted what was called a " Victory Garden" as part of the War effort in 19

10. But workers were encouraged to stay on bench after hours, at weekends and bank holidays as part of the war effort.

11. The government did its best to rally public opinion behind the war effort by encouraging public celebrations to commemorate war victories.

12. His oil paintings were frequently featured in popular magazines and books as literary illustrations, advertisements, and posters promoting the war effort.

13. As the Michigan National Guard had been federalized for the war effort, the remaining volunteer state troops were asked to mobilize.

14. Germany's oil supplies, crucial for the war effort, depended largely on annual imports of 1.5 million tons of oil, mainly from Romania.

15. Savings Bond (1942–1980) The first campaign by the then War Advertising Council encouraged Americans to support the war effort by purchasing war bonds.

16. Göth's personal secretary, Mietek Pemper, alerted Schindler to the Nazis' plans to close all factories not directly involved in the war effort, including Schindler's enamelware facility.

17. In this he was perhaps motivated by a desire to engage the opposing German troops for as long as possible, to assist the Allied war effort.

18. Some Burmese nationalists saw the outbreak of World War II as an opportunity to extort concessions from the British in exchange for support in the war effort.

19. Confederate General Robert E. Lee saw it as a sign of weakness in the northern war effort. He also saw it as an opening for a military victory.

20. Astatic’S CONTRIBUTION TO THE WAR EFFORT (WORLD WAR II)For the accommodation of its many Radio Parts Jobber and Manufacturer customers, Astatic has long maintained a special service department

21. Although he wished to re-enlist in the Marines at the start of the war, he was deferred because of the importance of his work at Sperry to the war effort.

22. Nearly one-quarter of Germany's GNP was committed to the war effort in 1939, and this rose to three-quarters of GNP in 1944, prior to the collapse of the economy.

23. "Rosie the Riveter" was a clarion call for women to aid the war effort by entering the workforce,(Sentencedict.com ) while the men in their communities went to fight the war abroad.

24. Developed during World War II, the multiple Bombes employed by British and United States military intelligence code breakers aided the allied war effort by providing access to German and Japanese military secrets

25. Tom Carpenter, the Basketmaker in Sandwich, near me in Kent, and who taught my teacher, Alwyne Hawkins, was allowed willow for local work if he filled a Government quota for the war effort as well

26. Lieutenant Colonel Maung Maung drew up defence doctrine based on conventional warfare concepts, with large infantry divisions, armoured brigades, tanks and motorised war with mass mobilisation for the war effort being the important element of the doctrine.

27. With the exception of one flight in 1911, between Allãhãbãd and Naini, India, as well as a few other examples, the earliest recorded airmail flights formed an integral part of the war effort, on both sides of the trenches.

28. Entry into World War II, New York Air Brake once again participated in the war effort, working 24/7 to manufacture 75-millimeter shells and Breechblocks, hydraulic aircraft pumps, hulls for Sherman tanks, 25-millimeter anti-aircraft shells and heavy-duty …

29. 9) that Germany should have offered an anti-Annexationist peace at all times, if only to score a propaganda victory and embarrass the Allied war effort—but the chances that the Allies would have accepted such a peace must be considered poor.

30. ‘The Bestselling single in 2000 was Bob the Builder's Can We Fix It?’ ‘She turned her experiences into two hilarious Bestselling books.’ ‘Based on the Bestselling novel by Sebastian Faulks, but with some thoroughgoing shifts in tone and narrative, Charlotte Gray centres on a heroine joining the Second World War effort and falling in

31. ‘The Bestselling single in 2000 was Bob the Builder's Can We Fix It?’ ‘She turned her experiences into two hilarious Bestselling books.’ ‘Based on the Bestselling novel by Sebastian Faulks, but with some thoroughgoing shifts in tone and narrative, Charlotte Gray centres on a heroine joining the Second World War effort and falling in