war hero in English

soldier who performed some brave act during wartime

Use "war hero" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "war hero" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "war hero", or refer to the context using the word "war hero" in the English Dictionary.

1. He's a war hero.

2. Sure, he's a war hero.

3. It is a war hero!

4. You, the big war hero.

5. You're a real war hero.

6. A war hero unmasked as a traitor.

7. Well, the man's a decorated war hero.

8. You couldn't get a real war hero?

9. Well, you're a war hero, is my outlook.

10. Korean War hero, sheriff for nearly 30 years....

11. He's my friend, Helene, and a war hero.

12. He was a war hero, not some schoolteacher!

13. She destroyed her child, daughter of a war hero!

14. Yes, sir, and a great war hero to boot.

15. A tsarina from Mirkutsk, and a decorated war hero.

16. Kennedy's predecessor as president was the war hero Dwight Eisenhower.

17. In this rare footage, everyone's favourite war hero, Captain America...

18. 1 Kennedy's predecessor as president was the war hero Dwight Eisenhower.

19. 1 The country bestowed its highest medal on the war hero.

20. ... he became a war hero, single-handedly defeating the German army.

21. The municipality was named for Calixto García Iñiguez, an independence war hero.

22. When you return home, father will welcome you as a war hero.

23. Blacker, was an eminent war hero, psychiatrist and eugenicist who worked with R.A

24. 1874) March 18 – William Grover-Williams, French race car driver, war hero (b.

25. Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak is a true war hero and beloved husband and father

26. Sarge, I don't know if you're some kind of war hero, a tank mechanic, a cook.

27. King Albert returned as a war hero, leading the victorious army and acclaimed by the population.

28. The county, named for Mexican–American War hero brevet Brigadier General Sylvester Churchill, was formed in 1861.

29. What right had I to tarnish the reputation of an acknowledged war hero and needlessly distress his family?

30. In 1940, Marshal Pétain was known as a First World War hero, the victor of the battle of Verdun.

31. The "Provisional All-Russian Government" was established here in 1918, headed by the Arctic explorer and decorated war hero Admiral Kolchak.

32. Revolutionary War hero Samuel Whittemore He was shot, Bayoneted, beaten, left for dead, but recovered & lived to be 98 years of age

33. As the convention opened, some delegates favored Bayard, a conservative Senator, and some others supported Hancock, a career soldier and Civil War hero.

34. They include a nonagenarian war-hero, Vo Nguyen Giap, a dissident monk, Thich Quang Do, and a slew of leading scientists and environmental campaigners.

35. Article: Trump Assassinates Iran's War Hero, Risking All-out War - The US has admitted to assassinating Iran's most beloved military leader, General Qassem Soleimani, in a …

36. A positive emotion including wonder and approbation; the regarding of another as being wonderful Admiration of a war hero They looked at the landscape in Admiration

37. He is a revered war hero at first (he's the soldier whom Sarah looks Admiredly at in the show's intro), and as such many are struck by his Face Heel Turn

38. Fosbery Breechloader Col George Vincent Fosbery, V.C., was a definite devotee of small arms design as well as being a bona fide war hero – a combination that isn’t as common as one might expect

39. Generals are not natural tree-huggers , but Vietnamese war hero Vo Nguyen Giap caused a stir recently when he publicly opposed Hanoi's approval of a Chinese plan to exploit bauxite reserves in his country 's Central Highlands .

40. Biden Conflates details of war hero tale: report Read full article Former vice president Joe Biden, who leads the Democratic presidential nomination race, has made numerous misstatements or gaffes on the 2020 campaign trail, apparently including his retelling of an act of heroism by a US soldier in Afghanistan (AFP Photo/Sean Rayford)