victors in English

a person who defeats an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.
The winner of each repechage then faces the runner-up in the other, with the two victors awarded bronze medals.
a code word representing the letter V, used in radio communication.

Use "victors" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "victors" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "victors", or refer to the context using the word "victors" in the English Dictionary.

1. Irresolute persons make poor victors.

2. The team emerged as worthy victors.

3. Deafening applause greets the victors!

4. To the victors belong the spoils.

5. Throw wreaths of fadeless flowers to the victors.

6. The conquered territories were portioned out among the victors.

7. 24 After the game the victors returned in triumph.

8. 17 After the war, the victors returned in triumph.

9. 21 With your leaves my victors shall wreathe their brows.

10. 18 Warfare always brings hardship, even to the eventual victors.

11. CHAPMAN The field was being overrun with spectators, who sought to congratulate victors, or Commiserate …

12. The cost of war is horrendous; the victors as well as the vanquished pay a terrible price.

13. They could do no other than Accede to the demands of the victors

14. 5 They could do no other than accede to the demands of the victors.

15. The victors are waving to the crowd as they do their lap of honour.

16. Poets wrote triumphal odes for victors at all these games, conferring immortality on them.

17. Downstairs, it was like a battlefield in which the only victors were excess and decadence.

18. Our victors, the champions of the night, the HUMSS Ambassador and Ambassadress of the Year 2021

19. Is it simply a matter of having to deal with the victors, no matter how thuggish they may be?

20. The victors declared themselves Gods. While the vanquished were renamed Titans and forever imprisoned within the bowels of Mount Tartarus.

21. “Then the victors took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah and all their food and went on their way.

22. The invasion of Sicily contributed to the 25 July crisis; in general, the Allied victors were warmly embraced by Sicily.

23. The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides.

24. Crowdsourcing in Action A prime example of Crowdsourcing can be seen in the Victors & Spoils (V&S) agency model

25. However, the coalition victors refused to acknowledge his son as successor, and Napoleon I was forced to abdicate unconditionally some days later.

26. In acquisitiveness and greed there was little to choose between the victors and the vanquished in the political struggles of the 1320s.

27. Noah Bracken describes the Alighting as the victors of the war on their home planet coming for Max Evans, and presumably returning to their home world.

28. The Axemen, who were undefeated and won over Tampa already twice this year, were the favorite to win but the Mayhem underdogs came out the victors

29. According to the apostle Paul, they do it so “they may get a corruptible crown”—the trophies and accolades given to victors.—1 Corinthians 9:25.

30. When there was no one else to kill, the victors went in procession through the streets of the city . . . to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to give thanks to God.”

31. Nor hath vengeance found / none save the Trojans; there the victors groan, / and valour fires the vanquished. All around / wailings, and wild affright and shapes of death abound.

32. Overadvanced chooses herself well-fitting english essays for grade 11 in sri lanka acerous electrolysing, the spellbinder labor I college application essays writing help 4 victors how drug Anthologically

33. Several thousand years ago, many Archons roamed Teyvat, each with control over particular aspects of an element.However, when seven divine thrones in Celestia opened up, promising the victors absolute …

34. A heretic compromise by the victors with the Annulers of that election resulted in the perfidy of the interim national Government which culminated in the ‘overthrow’ of that ING and brought us back to status quo ante

35. High school history books record that the victors at the June 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn, the ones who wiped out Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer, were the Sioux (Lakotas), Cheyennes and Arapahos.

36. The origins of the League as an organisation created by the Allied powers as part of the peace settlement to end the First World War led to it being viewed as a "League of Victors".

37. A heretic compromise by the victors with the Annulers of that election resulted in the perfidy of the interim national Government which culminated in the ‘overthrow’ of that ING and brought us back to status quo ante

38. ‘An Aggressor might see a country whose armed forces project a poor public image as an easy target.’ ‘All the nations, the victims now become victors, the Aggressors now defeated, once again assumed their positions in the political order.’

39. Myth: War Is Beneficial Fact: The profits gained by a few weapons manufacturers and the temporary power gained by politicians who promote wars are so miniscule compared to the suffering of both victims and victors, and the damage to the environment, economy, and society, that almost any alternative to war is more Beneficial.