superior in English

a port city in northwestern Wisconsin, on Lake Superior, adjacent to Duluth in Minnesota; population 26,223 (est. 2008).
higher in rank, status, or quality.
a superior officer
a person or thing superior to another in rank, status, or quality, especially a colleague in a higher position.
obeying their superiors' orders

Use "superior" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "superior" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "superior", or refer to the context using the word "superior" in the English Dictionary.

1. Superior Alarms!

2. Superior Aperture of minor pelvis (superior Aperture of pelvis) pelvic inlet

3. A Superior Attitude


5. The Father Superior.

6. American nationalism was superior to Europe because American values were superior, he claimed.

7. Superior Brocage Home Contractors

8. Superior to a helicopter

9. He's my immediate superior .

10. The Japanese had a number of advantages, including tanks, superior training, and superior weapons.

11. Anaretical Superior program with integrity

12. Can he make something superior to himself —so superior that it is worthy of his devotion?

13. This Candidate is clearly superior

14. This candidate is clearly superior.

15. Superior border shown in red.

16. She affected a superior air.

17. Each beholder believes that Beholders are the superior species, and that they themselves are the superior beholder

18. When you add in Bridgeport’s superior

19. You're a very superior young woman.

20. We're absolutely obedient to the superior.

21. Birthstones of Superior Quality and Value

22. Talking to your superior is useless

23. He abased himself before his superior.

24. This is inferior/superior to that.

25. Take me to the Father Superior.

26. Fletcher's superior technique brought him victory.

27. He's stuck in the superior mesenteric.

28. I'm warning you as your superior

29. All told, it was vastly superior.

30. Superior: Thai Betelnuts, quality guaranteed at 94% – …

31. I can't bear Amanda - she's so superior.

32. Are some races superior in his eyes?

33. Don't you usually salute a superior officer ?

34. All clergy owed obedience to their superior.

35. On the reverse is inscribed: "Superior Cadet."

36. 1 Fletcher's superior technique brought him victory.

37. His rather superior manner jars on me.

38. We overwhelmed the enemy by superior forces.

39. Superior solderability and resistance to soldering heat.

40. He stands in awe of his superior.

41. Bipolar electroCautery may be a superior treatm …

42. Hence they were superior to the Brahmanists.

43. Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others

44. Next comes “haughty,” or literally “superior-appearing.”

45. I'm an original " superior race "; Pure Aryan.

46. The Superior Sisters wish me miles away.

47. What's your idea fulsome intervene from superior?

48. Bailiffs must obey any lawful order of a superior, including any order relayed from a superior, regardless of rank

49. Esto Conduce a la espaciosa terraza superior

50. Which of the two methods is superior?