verging in English

approach (something) closely; be close or similar to (something).
despair verging on the suicidal
synonyms:approachborder oncome close/near tobe tantamount totend towardapproximate toresemble
incline in a certain direction or toward a particular state.
his style verged into the art nouveau school

Use "verging" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "verging" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "verging", or refer to the context using the word "verging" in the English Dictionary.

1. He was verging on the grotesque.

2. The crowd was restless and verging on Anarchy.

3. 18 There was a high hedge verging the yard.

4. 30 That seemed a sober judgment not even verging on hyperbole.

5. Added to this was a distinctive mop of white hair verging on albino.

6. The club struggled financially though, verging on bankruptcy at the end of the 1950s.

7. • But he had a mild, good-humoured, articulate side, verging on the academic, Abjuring the sensational

8. Characteristic of late maturity verging on decline Familiarity information: Autumnal used as an adjective is rare.

9. Certain affirm that the position adopted by Salman Taseer verged (were were verging) on provocation. Do you agree?

10. The joke is that this louche, style-setting exuberance took place in a conservative town verging on the provincial.

11. (2) A zone of more reflective lower crust with hinterland-verging fabric may represent "fossil" reflectors from a pre-collisional accretionary phase.

12. The adjective Critical has several meanings, among them, "vital," "verging on emergency," "tending to point out errors," and "careful."

13. Anticlinal structures that include some landward-verging reverse faults (referred to as Antithetic) are produced, with create the tectonic ridges that you can see in the bathymetric map in Figs

14. Regarding religion, Murphy had previously been verging on agnostic, but confirmed his atheism after researching his role as a nuclear physicist/astronaut in the science fiction film Sunshine (2007).

15. ‘the decision has aroused Apoplexy among environmentalists’ ‘Unionism reacted to their demands with anger verging on Apoplexy.’ ‘The idea that Scotland's wild salmon should be replaced by an artificial equivalent has created Apoplexy among environmental groups, neighbouring river …

16. First, a runaway population boom that produces each year a cohort of first-time jobseekers; next, a severe economic crisis, verging on recession, that wiped out the modern sector’s absorptive capacity; finally, a mass rural exodus forcing many to come “mess about” in the cities.

17. In those circumstances, I think that by purposely declining to observe the rules for the establishment and calculation of monetary compensatory amounts and thereby introducing, in full awareness of the situation, distortion into Community trade and discrimination between traders, the Commission indulged in conduct verging on the arbitrary, of the kind referred to in the Court' s judgment in Amylum . ( 48 )

18. Furthermore, the concept of arbitrary conduct as mentioned only in the judgments in Joined Cases 116/77 and 124/77 Amylum v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3497 and in Case 143/77 Koninklijke Scholten-Honig v Council and Commission [1979] ECR 3583, the latter of which is referred to by the Commission, does not provide a basis for holding that a finding of conduct verging on the arbitrary represents a necessary condition or formulation for the Community to be rendered liable within the framework of the EEC Treaty according to the abovementioned case-law of the Court of Justice.