nuclear test in English


test carried out for evaluating nuclear weapons

Use "nuclear test" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nuclear test" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nuclear test", or refer to the context using the word "nuclear test" in the English Dictionary.

1. They secured the closure of their single primary nuclear test site.

2. North Korea's nuclear test was a damp squib in market terms.

3. No, we had not received any advance information about this nuclear test.

4. A team of four was sent to scout for a nuclear test site.

5. It follows the nuclear test conducted two weeks ago by the reclusive regime.

6. Report of the Secretary-General on a Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (addendum)

7. Resolution 2270, passed in March 2016 after the fourth nuclear test, further strengthened existing sanctions.

8. Why in the world under the Korean opposition, but also flagrantly conducted the nuclear test?

9. This is why Australia is a strong supporter of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT

10. The Non-Aligned Movement stressed the significance of universal adherence to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.

11. How big a development is this, and is that, do we believe, their only nuclear test site?

12. We also signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and did so to accelerate its entry into force.

13. Item 103 –– Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty –– Report of the First Committee [A C E F R S]

14. It was used primarily for interceptor aircraft operations, but also provided logistical support for the nearby nuclear test area.

15. The following have been signed but not yet ratified by Burundi: Law of the Sea and Nuclear Test Ban.

16. The President had given top priority to achieving a nuclear test-ban treaty and was despondent when he could not get it.

17. Among the first UN measures to address proliferation activities, Security Council Resolution 1718 was passed after North Korea’s first nuclear test in October 2006.

18. The latest United Nations Security Council resolution sanctioning North Korea for its May 25 nuclear test has driven Pyongyang to fresh paroxysms of faux fury.

19. Nonetheless, in early 2013, North Korea pledged to conduct more nuclear tests in the near future, and its third nuclear test took place in February 2013.

20. South Korea news agency said the missile were Scuds, which would mark an escalation by the reclusive North, which has fired several non-ballistic, short-range missile since the May 25 nuclear test.

21. Representative Park In-kook said the nuclear test violated Council resolutions and "defied warnings from the international community" which threatened peace and stability in the region, thus all member states should ensure they implement the sanctions fully.

22. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization education activities have focused increasingly on the electronic dissemination of information to targeted audiences with the public website as the focal point and e-mail alerts as a key means of distribution.

23. Meanwhile, some 17,000 containers of radioactive waste were reportedly discarded over a period of 30 years into the waters off the coast of Novaya Zemlya, used by the Soviets as a nuclear test site during the early 1950’s.

24. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization education activities have focused increasingly on the electronic dissemination of information to targeted audiences with the public website as the focal point and e-mail alerts as a key means of distribution

25. * The two Prime Ministers condemned in the strongest terms North Korea’s continued development of its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, including the latest nuclear test conducted by North Korea on 3 September as well as its uranium enrichment activities.

26. Albin (Mexico) (spoke in Spanish): The Mexican delegation has the honour of introducing the draft decision in document A/55/L.5, entitled “Cooperation between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization”.

27. * our ability to further develop and produce such weapons would not be constrained in any manner; and * we would retain our legal right to conduct a nuclear test should that, at any time in the future, be deemed necessary in our over-riding national interest.

28. The proposed changes to the US Atomic Energy Act will end a technology-denial regime imposed on India in the wake of its 1974 nuclear test; mark an abrupt shift in US counter-proliferation policy; and open the door to a wide range of commercial opportunities.

29. Guests at # noon Mr. Nobuyasu Abe, Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs; H.E. Ms. Deborah Stokes (Australia), President of the Conference on Facilitating the Entry-into-Force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT); and Mr. Tibor Toth, Executive Secretary of the CTBT Organization Preparatory Commission (on the outcome of the Conference ( # eptember

30. At the same time many countries at the PC session quite scathingly criticized the actions of the US administration, which has unilaterally decided to withdraw from ABM Treaty of 1972, refused to submit to Congress for ratification the START-2 Treaty and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and is discussing the possibility of developing space-based nuclear antiballistic-missile weapons.

31. The worst phases in India-US relations were during the Republican Administration of Richard Nixon, and the US-Pakistan-China axis during the Bangladesh liberation war, and again during the Democratic Administration of Jimmy Carter, when the Tarapur agreement was unilaterally abrogated and the US took the lead in establishing an international nonproliferation regime with the aim of isolating India in the wake of our 1974 nuclear test.