unionists in English

a member of a labor union.
Firstly, as a unionist and a member of a progressive union, I fully support redeployment, but you need to consider the time factor when you deal with it.
a person who opposed secession during the Civil War.
With secession, Philadelphia's unionists believed that the very foundation of their prosperity as a class had been placed in jeopardy.

Use "unionists" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unionists" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unionists", or refer to the context using the word "unionists" in the English Dictionary.

1. Trade Unionists and businessmen?

2. 17 There was much euphoria among trade unionists.

3. Even trade unionists were reluctant to show solidarity.

4. Other Protestant Unionists were fielded against liberal O'Neillites.

5. Let the Unionists expose themselves and rend one another asunder.

6. But a deal with the unionists would be an unseemly affair.

7. 7 Ian Paisley,(www.Sentencedict.com) is one of the most hard-line Unionists.

8. Even assaults on the Unionists over alleged cases of discrimination could rebound.

9. And, by rooting out abuses, they actually helped the interests of ordinary Trade Unionists.

10. 25 Party members fought side by side with trade unionists for a change in the law.

11. The Liberal Unionists were admitted to the Carlton Club and a longstanding source of tension was eradicated.

12. Thus Blacks became a prime source of hostility for white unionists who set about erecting discriminatory barriers.

13. Unionists Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden pledged himself during the 1917 campaign to equal suffrage for women.

14. The government's reaction to confrontations was seen to be one-sided and heavy-handed in favour of unionists.

15. An inaugural conference was held at the Victoria Memorial Hall, attended by over 1,500 supporters and trade unionists.

16. As a footnote to the Assembly and Convention periods, it is worth making two points about the Democratic Unionists.

17. In cabinet Unionists pressed the Liberals steadily towards a full policy of conscription, which was finally introduced in May.

18. In 1996, almost 1.2 million Canadian unionists (29% of the union membership in Canada) were affiliated with the AFL-CIO.

19. The two planned by-elections gave the Protestant Unionists the opportunity they needed to maintain the momentum of their electoral challenge.

20. Fourteen candidates rushed to sign up yesterday, dashing hopes of uncontested victories for at least two Democrats, one industrialist and three unionists.

21. 3 Most trade unionists had been indifferent to any political theory beyond an instinctive syndicalism which was itself largely confined to industrial disputes.

22. While some Copperheads were unquestionably dabbling in plots to overthrow the government, most were probably being truthful when they said they were loyal Unionists

23. 27 Unionists responded by either boycotting council meetings or trying to exclude SinnFein councillors,(www.Sentencedict.com) depending on whether or not there was a unionist majority.

24. Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.

25. ‘Once upon a time, back in the late 1970s boom, when many of today's commentators, politicians, central bankers and trade unionists learned their economics, the economy could be Allegorised …

26. Some trade unionists have turned to worker Buyouts as a means of saving jobs — a move that hands workers more control of their situation, but also brings dangers of its own.

27. C. whereas most of those killed, such as opposition party members, church people, community leaders, peasants, journalists, lawyers, human rights activists, trade unionists or simply witnesses of extra-judicial killings, have been accused by government representatives of being members of front organisations for illegal armed groups and "terrorists",

28. Buffaloes were local Unionists engaged in guerrilla warfare and terrorist tactics during the Civil War, especially in eastern North Carolina.Similar to "bushwhackers" in the western part of the state, in portions of Appalachia, and on the war's western frontier, Buffaloes consisted of Confederate deserters, draft resisters, escaped prisoners, and lawless white men and boys.

29. (1) The International Fund for Ireland (hereinafter "the Fund") was established in 1986 by the Agreement of 18 September 1986 between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the International Fund for Ireland [6] (hereinafter "the Agreement") in order to promote economic and social advance, and to encourage contact, dialogue and reconciliation between nationalists and unionists throughout Ireland, in implementation of one of the objectives specified by the Anglo-Irish Agreement of 15 November 1985.