unit cell in English

the smallest group of atoms of a substance that has the overall symmetry of a crystal of that substance, and from which the entire lattice can be built up by repetition in three dimensions.
Repeated translation along the edges of the unit cell can be used to derive the entire crystal lattice; in other words, the crystal lattice is the unit cell repeated many times in a periodic fashion.

Use "unit cell" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unit cell" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unit cell", or refer to the context using the word "unit cell" in the English Dictionary.

1. There are four formula units per unit cell.

2. A best radius of the equivalent circular unit cell is determined.

3. Contrast research using the unit cell model and the plane deformation model.

4. How strongly each scatters is determined by what is inside each unit cell.

5. A metal with density 18.60 g/cm3 Crystallizes in face center cubic unit cell

6. Bravais lattices Only 14 kinds of unit cell can form an extended regular lattice.

7. The metal atom doublets are oriented parallel to the an axis in a unit cell.

8. It is believed that there is one chain per unit cell, including 5 glucosamine residues.

9. Krypton Crystallizes with a face-centered cubic unit cell with an edge length of 559 pm

10. For TAs transition-metal Arsenides, space group, refined unit-cell lattice parameters, impurity phases, and refinement factors

11. Within a unit cell, each atom has only one nearest neighbor (at a distance of 244 pm).

12. Crystallographic Directions is a vector connecting the coordinate origin and a specific point of a unit cell

13. The first terminal is connected to a third terminal disposed outside a first side unit cell adjacent to the first terminal, and the second terminal is connected to a fourth terminal disposed inside a second side unit cell adjacent to the second terminal.

14. In one implementation the photodiodes within each unit cell are essentially identical photodiodes but with different exposure times.

15. Considering the longitudinal interaction between soil and single pile, theoretical solution for settlement of the unit cell is obtained.

16. The results show that the unit cell volume of W-ZSM-5 molecular sieves swells as the W content increases.

17. Unit cell volumes of two other crystal forms of CypA-CsA complexes are consistent with ten molecules per asymmetric unit.

18. In the model, each yarn in the unit cell is regarded as an inclined laminate and then a 3D analysis is performed.

19. The changes in T_c, T_m, degree of crystallinity, and parameters of unit cell, observed by DSC and WAXD, showed the presence of HDPE/LDPE cocrystallite.

20. In Body centered cubic structure, the unit cell has one atom at each corner of the cube and one at body center of the cube

21. A unit cell model is established on the pattern of the rule of the yarn movement and the relationship between the braiding parameters is deduced.

22. Even in electrostatically neutral systems, a net dipole moment of the unit cell can introduce a spurious bulk-surface energy, equivalent to pyroelectricity in polar crystals.

23. Optical diffraction analysis yielded a lattice consisting of subunits arranged in helices of pitch-angle 27°; the unit cell dimensions were shown to be 112×56 Å.

24. This paper deals with the stress interaction problem of periodic polygonal inclusions under far field tension by using a novel hybrid finite element model and a unit cell model.

25. This paper has presented the results of TEM studies about the unit cell para-meters, micro-twinning structure, crystal defect and lattice fringe image of grandidierite discovered in China recently.

26. By means of WAXD and DSC et al. crystallinity, degree of orientation, unit cell parameters, tensile force of drawing, content of solvent, tenacity and modulus of the fibers were measured.

27. Cementite deviate from the stoichiometric carbon con-centration; the decarburisation of pure Cementite [21], which leads to changes in the volume of the unit cell and in the Curie temperature of Cementite, is an example

28. Crystallographic defects are interruptions of regular patterns in crystalline solids.They are common because positions of atoms or molecules at repeating fixed distances determined by the unit cell parameters in crystals, which exhibit a periodic crystal structure, are usually imperfect.

29. The unit cell of vanadinite is composed of two of its molecules and has the dimensions a = 10.331 Å and c = 7.343 Å), where a is the length of each side of the hexagon and c is the height of the prism.

30. The term is also used to refer to a regular arrangement of spheres whose unit cell form a cube.There are three types of Cubic lattices, corresponding to three types of Cubic close packing: simple Cubic (SC), body-centered Cubic (BCC), and face-centered Cubic (FCC).

31. Anthracene has two molecules in the unit cell, and according to the Davydov theory in dipole approximation, the splitting between the two components, corresponding to the two values of i in (3.1), is proportional to M2, where M is the molecular transition dipole moment.

32. In chemistrylang=en terms the difference between Anhydrate and monohydrate is that Anhydrate is (chemistry) the anhydrous form of a normally hydrated compound while monohydrate is (chemistry) a hydrate whose solid contains a single molecule of water of crystallization per molecule, or per unit cell