temporary account in English

list of transactions of which the balance appears on the profit and loss report (Accounting)

Use "temporary account" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "temporary account" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "temporary account", or refer to the context using the word "temporary account" in the English Dictionary.

1. Virtual Account Number is a type of temporary alias for your actual account number.

2. Support account general temporary assistance positions to be established for

3. Abbreviations: RB, regular budget; SA, support account; GTA, general temporary assistance

4. Abbreviations: RB, regular budget; SA, support account; GTA, general temporary assistance.

5. Other structural and temporary factors have also affected the current account position.

6. You may notice temporary authorizations on your account when using a credit or debit card.

7. (g) temporary planning of production taking into account the specific nature of the production cycle.

8. Temporary daily subsistence allowances: temporary accommodation for temporary agents

9. Absenteeism will account for some gaps, and temporary vacancies for inability to state a clerk's name.

10. Note: You might notice temporary authorizations on your card account when using a credit or debit card.

11. Such additional subsidiary bodies may be established on a permanent or temporary basis taking into account cost implications.

12. Note: After you add a card, you might see a small temporary charge on your account from Google.

13. You can use a temporary code to let some Apple apps access your Gmail and some other Google Account data.

14. temporary admission

15. Temporary Admission

16. Temporary admission

17. Temporary prohibition on large Assemblages and events, temporary school closures

18. the issue of temporary OJTI authorisation and temporary assessor authorisation; and

19. (d) Temporary admission

20. (aa) temporary incapacity:

21. (f) ‘temporary admission’

22. You can create a temporary code to let Apple’s Mail, Contacts, and Calendar apps access your Gmail and some other Google Account data.

23. As a temporary user, you receive points from driving; however, you must register an account to view your points and advance in rank.

24. Temporary exhibitions (Admission Fee varies depending on the Temporary Exhibition on view):

25. C_Animadiversion.SelectAnimaNode(talentID, temporary) talentID number temporary boolean Patch 9.0.1 (2020-10-13): Added