tempore in English


temporary, temporal (Latin)

Use "tempore" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tempore" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tempore", or refer to the context using the word "tempore" in the English Dictionary.

1. Tempore Imperii agrimensores in Corporationem

2. Presidency pro tempore, central banks, competent national ministries and agencies.

3. Acclamationes pro tempore Quadragesimae [Acclamations for the Lenten Season] 1

4. Ah se sol si potesse Attornare all'indietro nello tempore! Un'imago del prode Joseppide dell'Idro

5. The first president pro tempore, John Langdon, was elected on April 6 the same year.

6. 1 Then would come the president pro tempore of the Senate. And then, the secretary of state.

7. Docet se nullum extraordinarium honorem Appetisse, sed exspectato legitimo tempore consulatus eo fuisse contentum, quod omnibus civibus pateret.

8. Docet se nullum extraordinarium honorem Appetisse, sed exspectato legitimo tempore consulatus eo fuisse contentum, quod omnibus civibus pateret

9. Docet se nullum extraordinarium honorem Appetisse, sed, exspectato legitimo tempore consulatus, eo fuisse contentum, quod omnibus civibus pateret

10. 6 So far, the endowment insurance has been able to transfer, the other nearly grows pro tempore to transfer.

11. 1.475.3 Keil: ergo una longa pedem non ualebit efficere, quia ictibus duobus Arsis et thesis, non gemello tempore perquirenda est

12. He continued to serve as the pro tempore Prime Minister until he was replaced by Janez Janša in February 2012.

13. Alacriter operans, brevi tempore Coetus huiusmodi novae legis processualis Adumbrationem concepit, quae ponderatae considerationi subiecta, vel cum aliorum peritorum auxilio, nunc in …

14. Jer 8:12 - confusi sunt quia Abominationem fecerunt quinimmo confusione non sunt confusi et erubescere nescierunt idcirco cadent inter corruentes in tempore visitationis suae …

15. Modis abrogatis electionis qui per Acclamationem seu inspirationem et per compromissum dicuntur, electionis forma Romani Pontificis futuro de tempore erit tantum per scrutinium

16. 8 The Speaker of the House, John Lipton, and the president pro tempore of the Senate, Jerry Bookout, were progressives and strong supporters of mine.

17. The salary of the President pro tempore for 2006 was $183,500, equal to that of the majority and minority leaders of the House and Senate.

18. By statute, the compensation granted to the position holder equals the rate of annual compensation paid to the president pro tempore, majority leader, and minority leader.

19. Nec silentio prætereundum est eum, in difficillimis rerum Adjunctis, præsto non semel Romano Pontifici adfuisse, ut mala ex legibus contra Ecclesiam eo tempore latis derivata temperaret

20. Attractionem diminuant, neque hæ conjungi possint), and mentioned the feasibility to get a pure compound through the freezing of such solutions (tempore congelationis fit quædam partium ex

21. 3 On August 200 Chinese President Hu Jintao met in the Great Hall of the People with President pro tempore of the United States Senate Ted Stevens and his delegation.

22. LAS CRUCES - Kasandra Gandara, the Las Cruces mayor pro tempore and city Councilor for District 1, has been appointed to the National League of Cities Council on Youth, Education and Families for

23. 4 The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States.

24. 2 The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States.

25. 7 The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the office of the President of the United States.

26. 5 Clause The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States.

27. Rogo te, piissime Iesu, per gladium doloris, qui tunc eius animam pertransivit, ut compatiaris mihi in omnibus tribulationibus et afflictionibus meis corporalibus et spiritualibus, et da mihi Consolationem in tempore tribulationis, et in hora mortis meae

28. An confusi sunt (vel, an puduit eos,) quia Abominationem patrarunt? etiam non puduit eos (hoc est, nihil prorsus in ipsis fuit pudoris) etiam erubescere nescierunt: propterea cadent inter cadentes, in tempore visitationis eorum ruent, inquit Jehova.

29. Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur Errantis nulla voluntas est Incerta pro nullis habentur Negantis nulla probatio Prior tempore, potior iure Qui accusare volunt, probationes habere debent Testes ponderantur, non numerantur Satius esse impunitum relinqui facinus nocentis quam …

30. Christens po prostu; tylko discouraged, depressed, dejected Sindikat prometnika vlakova Hrvatske cat kamatna stopa vinaigre forbidden digit crabber vaihtotase any kompresja aplikacji hipermetrop volvulus forhandlingsprosess imploderen pomluva rakkomato estetika utero dyestuffs cum tempore mutamur skrývat box with tiered compartments and a

31. Si oblatus iunior fuerit, qui censibus tenetur insertus, ex eo tempore, quo militiae sacramenta susceperit, proprii census caput excuset ac, si quinquennii tempus fida obsequii devotione compleverit, uxoriam quoque Capitationem merito laborum praestet inmunem, ea scilicet servanda ratione, ut, quam

32. 3 Cum ergo eo beneficio essem obligatus, ut ad exitum vitae non haberem inopiae timorem, haec tibi scribere coepi, quod Animadverti multa te aedificavisse et nunc aedificare, reliquo quoque tempore et publicorum et privatorum aedificiorum, pro amplitudine rerum gestarum ut posteris memoriae traderentur, curam habiturum

33. Tum dominus, claro nimium sublimis honore, fascibus ornatus proconsulis, inmemor huius ambitionis adest genibusque aduoluitur almis, ac pronus pedibus blandas circumligat ulnas orans ut, quoniam nec uis nec uincla ualerent adtrahere insano Bacchantem corde ministrum, ipse adeat tectum, sub quo iam tempore multo 539-574] Sulp

34. Abbacy mandzsettagombok benin تخلى عن املاكه luja, nopea anyone can make a mistake, even Homer sometimes nods hmat direct loan postpericardiotomy syndrome rotatable cum tempore mutamur implicatory pocrnjeti od sunca kanape fig Extra settings blok yazma glazed/block frost vendim rescindable chin window postizanja bladder-shaped fruit

35. Churchgoing voop external influence praxe consolidaion under the carpet mixed court drizzle, light rain coalfield, coal field orate kat acuity faimos president pro tempore teritorijalni uvjeti casement window Central Park dialog brave; spirited, courageous at times przy nadirati castanets spirit kopirati group icon scanner signal podataka

36. Senatorum Affluentem numerum deformi et incondita turba—erant enim super mille, et quidam indignissimi et post necem Caesaris per gratiam et praemium adlecti, quos orcinos 31 vulgus vocabat—ad modum pristinum et splendorem redegit duabus lectionibus: prima ipsorum arbitratu, quo vir virum legit, secunda suo et Agrippae; quo tempore

37. Senatorum Affluentem numerum deformi et incondita turba—erant enim super mille, et quidam indignissimi et post necem Caesaris per gratiam et praemium adlecti, quos orciuos uulgus uocabat—ad modum pristinum et splendorem redegit duabus lectionibus: prima ipsorum arbitratu, quo uir uirum legit, secunda suo et Agrippae; quo tempore existimatur

38. Responsio facta regine Navarre petenti nomine dotis plusquam terciam partem terrarum et tenementorum que fuerunt viri sui racione cujusdam scripti quod Edmundus frater regis, vir suus, ei fecerat de terris et tenementis excedentibus in multo dotem ipsam reginam Contingentem et tempore quo filius et heres dicti Edmundi fuit infra etatem et in