tanka in English

a Japanese poem consisting of five lines, the first and third of which have five syllables and the other seven, making 31 syllables in all and giving a complete picture of an event or mood.
An exquisite lyricism informs her maturing vision and technique as she distills emotion into ever more restrictive forms: sonnets and ballads, tankas and haikus.
a Tibetan religious painting on a scroll, hung as a banner in temples and carried in processions.
Scroll paintings called tanka that depicted the various gods and saints of Lamaist Buddhism decorated every temple.

Use "tanka" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tanka" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tanka", or refer to the context using the word "tanka" in the English Dictionary.

1. Making Eyelash Crochet Leis 3 by Coryn Tanka Spiral-bound $10.95

2. He contributed extensively to the society's literary magazine, with elegant tanka verses, written in an easy-to-understand colloquial language.

3. Good karuta players memorize all 100 tanka poems and the layout of the cards at the start of the match.