sympathised in English

feel or express sympathy.
it is easy to understand and sympathize with his predicament
synonyms:pityfeel sorry forshow compassion forcommiserate withoffer condolences tofeel forshow concern forshow interest forconsolecomfortsolacesoothesupportencourageempathize withidentify withunderstandrelate to
agree with a sentiment or opinion.
they sympathize with critiques of traditional theory
synonyms:agree withsupportbe in favor ofgo along withfavorapprove ofbackside with

Use "sympathised" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sympathised" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sympathised", or refer to the context using the word "sympathised" in the English Dictionary.

1. Some leaders of Masjumi sympathised with the rebellion.

2. Elements from within the Pakistani Intelligence Services had actually created the Taliban in the 1980s and certain elements sympathised with Al-queda ideologically and theologically.

3. While living in Antioch with his family, Zeno sympathised with the Monophysite views of Peter the Fuller, and supported him against his opponent, the Chalcedonian bishop Martyrius.