agree with in English

concur with, share the same opinion with

Use "agree with" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "agree with" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "agree with", or refer to the context using the word "agree with" in the English Dictionary.

1. Agree with If she felt he was right, she would Agree with him

2. I agree with Agger.

3. I agree with you.

4. I absolutely agree with that.

5. I totally agree with that.

6. “I agree with you, Oi.

7. I quite agree with you.

8. I agree with you partially.

9. Many people agree with nationalization.

10. 23 I agree with you.

11. Agree with thine adversary quickly....

12. I agree with this dictum.

13. I wholly agree with you.

14. Basically I agree with your plan.

15. 12 I agree with you partially.

16. She nodded to agree with me.

17. I don't altogether agree with you.

18. 18 We agree with you on...

19. 14 I don't agree with that.

20. 6 Many people agree with nationalization.

21. I tend to agree with Bob.

22. I'm inclined to agree with you.

23. 19 I don't agree with spanking.

24. Do I agree with the assumptions?

25. I don't agree with hitting children.

26. I would respectfully agree with this comment.

27. 17 I cannot agree with your opinions.

28. 16 She nodded to agree with me.

29. 15 I don't altogether agree with you.

30. I agree with you to some extent.

31. He did not agree with indulging children.

32. The humid climate didn't agree with him.

33. 8 I don't agree with capital punishment.

34. I heartily agree with her on this.

35. The subject doesn't agree with the verb.

36. I am disposed to agree with you.

37. I am inclined to agree with Alan.

38. The liquor did not agree with me.

39. Do other authoritative sources agree with it?

40. The Navajo did not agree with this plan.

41. I fully agree with his desires to expand...

42. 5 I agree with you to some extent.

43. We agree with you on the following issues...

44. Agreeing I think everyone would agree with that

45. Generally speaking, I'm inclined to agree with you.

46. Lee could not help but agree with her.

47. 10 I agree with you a hundred percent.

48. Our business dealings should agree with our religion.

49. I agree with his analysis of the situation.

50. I agree with her analysis of the situation.