swains in English

a country youth.

Use "swains" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "swains" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "swains", or refer to the context using the word "swains" in the English Dictionary.

1. A baggy knee was enough to excite the swains.

2. If you'd invented a string of lovelorn swains you'd have had to pay customer prices.

3. Synonyms for Amorists include Casanovas, lovers, paramours, Romeos, suitors, swains, wooers, Don Juans, lady's men and cads

4. Its flesh is of a most exquisite flavour." ANSER HUTCHINSII, Hutchins' Bernacle Goose, Swains

5. Synonyms for Boyfs include boyfriends, beloveds, lovers, beaux, swains, darlings, dearests, inamoratos, love and men

6. As the plot thickens, George unearths a catalogue of guns, uncovers a diplomat who is sailing incognito, and Chastely flirts with a Washington socialite while Genevieve befriends Gilpatrick’s wife, sidesteps her swains, and frets over George’s mild flirtation

7. 45, 50-1.) In the same year, 1883, the Reverend Augustus Jessop referred less helpfully to the dourness of rural life: "The swains of modern Arcady are very, very, very grim, they are no longer laughing animals." "Education is a patient creature", he wrote of another aspect of labouring culture, warming to his animal imagery, "but you may