messing up in English

screwing up, lousing up, damaging, throwing into disorder; dirtying up, soiling

Use "messing up" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "messing up" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "messing up", or refer to the context using the word "messing up" in the English Dictionary.

1. She's messing up the hay!

2. They can't resist messing up fresh concrete.

3. I can add or subtract without messing up the inequality.

4. Because of the unique form's guidance, no more messing up with headphone cable.

5. Freda, the newly-wed, was pregnant, and this was messing up all our duty rosters.

6. Albite is constantly anxious about messing up and struggles with it possibly costing Orthoclase her life.

7. Hitchcock gets a ratty letter for messing up his contribution to the script of Strangers On A Train.

8. How is the Coronavirus messing up your summer plans? Was anyone planning on visiting their final Ballpark this summer?

9. For Awakers, their sleep routines have been messing up, like sleepy during daytime and can’t get to sleep during nighttime

10. Decision-Making 6 Cognitive Biases That Are Messing Up Your Decision Making Forewarned is forearmed: The human mind is riddled with dangerous blind spots and illogical shortcuts.

11. Eliana’s alphorn sound soon drifted in the direction of jazz and blues – much to the astonishment and disapproval of a few music fundamentalists, who wrote Eliana’s parents nasty letters accusing their child of «messing-up” Switzerland’s national instrument. «Many others found it great – including folklore enthusiasts», says Eliana looking back.