suspense account in English

an account in the books of an organization in which items are entered temporarily before allocation to the correct or final account.
Now the contract has been completed and the original contractor has since been paid, but the contract balance of US $38 million has been left in a suspense account with the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Use "suspense account" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "suspense account" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "suspense account", or refer to the context using the word "suspense account" in the English Dictionary.

1. Each function is given a project number through a suspense account coding.

2. An OGD suspense account is meant to render more efficient some elements of program delivery.

3. d Including credits held in suspense account totalling $ # in favour of six States parties of which

4. There is a counterpart entry in the suspense account with the same title under sundry accounts payable.

5. The funding department's parliamentary appropriation is charged for the amount advanced to the spending department's suspense account.