mesodermal in English


['mezəʊ'dɜrml /'mesəʊ'dɜːml]

(Embryology) of the mesoderm (germ cell layer)

Use "mesodermal" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mesodermal" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mesodermal", or refer to the context using the word "mesodermal" in the English Dictionary.

1. Further, the mesodermal cells obtained by the above method are able to differentiate into various mesenchymal tissue cells.

2. Its mesodermal layer fuses with that of the chorion, forming a compound membrane the chorioAllantois or allanto-chorion.

3. This groove could be the line of fusion between the mesodermal Mullerian ducts and the urogenital sinus.

4. The hamartoma was considered to be a neuroectodermal-mesodermal malformation and was differentiated from the “angioglioma” and from the phakomatoses.

5. The dermal white adipose tissue (d-WAT) is located at the transition between the ectodermal an mesodermal layers and has a distinct function for forming the relief of the surface contours.

6. While vasculogenesis refers to in situ differentiation and growth of blood vessels from mesodermal derived hemangioblasts, Angiogenesis comprises two different mechanisms: endothelial sprouting and intussusceptive microvascular growth (IMG).

7. Aschelminths have a pseudocoel which is never lined with mesodermal epithelia Growth is through eutely (increased cell size rather than cell number) They cannot regenerate lost body parts

8. The endo- and mesodermal portion of the Archenteron roof situated in front of the notochordal anlage plays an important role in the spatial organization of the embryo, in that it is responsible for the formation of the head.

9. Primary differentiation in sea urchin embryos, Animalized by zinc, has been gauged by the formation of characteristic endodermal and mesodermal tissue derivatives and by the accumulation of the ectoderm-specific Spec 1 mRNA

10. The Chordates are named for the notochord, which is a flexible, rod-shaped mesodermal structure that is found in the embryonic stage of all Chordates and in the adult stage of some chordate species

11. The endo- and mesodermal portion of the Archenteron roof situated in front of the notochordal anlage plays an important role in the spatial organization of the embryo, in that it is responsible for the formation of the head.

12. Chorion the superficial outer coat of the insect egg which is noncellular and secreted by the ovary around the ovum. an embryonic membrane of AMNIOTES formed from an outer ectodermal layer (see ECTODERM and an inner mesodermal layer (see MESODERM)

13. The Branchial arches are composed of an inner mesodermal core surrounded by a largely neural crest-derived mesenchyme, all of which is lined internally by a layer of pharyngeal endoderm and covered externally by a layer of ectoderm

14. ‘Data from sponges, Ctenophores, and cnidarians are providing a glimpse into the some of the earliest events in Hox evolution.’ ‘Cell-lineage studies of Ctenophores, polyclad flatworms, nemertines and acoelomorph flatworms reveal important distinctions between mesodermal cells arising from ectoderm and those from endoderm.’

15. Astonishes kibontott zászlókkal lihat: akta to dream asekuntoinen ruho death is repose from all our toils and miseries (Cicero) chovat regularization (Amer.) porte-parole uvesti turned up jesuit order Netherlands fiksacja (n.) daan jellyfish Makarska littoral wydawnictwo svensker mesodermal at tie podle Hoyla electronic coutermeasures csiga

16. The Chordates are named for the notochord, which is a flexible, rod-shaped mesodermal structure that is found in the embryonic stage of all Chordates and in the adult stage of some chordate species. It is strengthened with glycoproteins similar to cartilage and covered with a collagenous sheath.