sufism in English

the mystical system of the Sufis.
It is a popular and accepted practice in traditional Islam, which is strongly influenced by Sufism , but would be frowned upon by modernist Muslims.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "sufism" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sufism", or refer to the context using the word "sufism" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sufism is opposed to radicalism and helps to promote Islam.

2. Under Sufism influence, islam miniature has had its unique concepts about space-time and color, and in literature sufism poetry has come into being whose representative is Romi, a famous islam poem.

3. Volumes have been written through the centuries expounding on the nature of Sufism.

4. Sufism is a spiritual practice associated with the whirling dervishes and the poet Rumi.

5. Even among bands of Sufi mystics, such as the dervishes, Celibacy was exceptional (see Sufism)

6. Most Bosniaks are Sunni Muslim, although historically Sufism has also played a significant role among them

7. Advaita is an eclectic group of friends interested in meditation, yoga, enlightenment, self realization, non duality teachings (Advaita Vedanta, Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism).

8. The dominant form of Sunni Islam among Pakistan's non-Pashtun population is the Barelvi movement(, which accommodates many of the rites and practices of Sufism.

9. Ibn Arabi was a Muslim philosopher, poet, writer and mystic who is widely regarded as one of the most important teachers of Islamic philosophy and Sufism

10. From Sufism to Ahmadiyya is among the finest works on Islam in modern South Asia that exhibits a remarkable assemblage of intellectual, institutional, and social history

11. Moore acknowledged that Shah had made a contribution of sorts in popularising a humanistic Sufism, and had "brought energy and resource to his self-aggrandisement", but ended with the damning conclusion that Shah's was "a 'Sufism' without self-sacrifice, without self-transcendence, without the aspiration of gnosis, without tradition, without the Prophet, without the Qur'an, without Islam, and without God.

12. ʿAlī - ʿAlī - Shiʿism, Sufism, and the Chivalric orders: The significance of ʿAlī in all aspects of the religious and intellectual life of Shiʿah Islam can hardly be overemphasized

13. The Astana is the North American Headquarters of the Inayatiyya Our intention is to create a home for the authentic study of Inayati Sufism for Ashiqs (lovers) and Murids (students) from across North America and worldwide

14. PM Narendra Modi’s extensive address focussed on the rich and glorioius history of Sufism, the vitality of tolerance and compassion and on the need for all humanitarian forces to join ranks and challenge forces of terror and hatred.

15. ‘Sufism emphasises the more mystical and Ascetic aspects of the religion.’ ‘Yet the texts are firmly part of the later medieval world: the first two come from the writings of visionary women mystics and the last from a rigorously Ascetic monastic theologian.’

16. From its origins in Egypt and West Asia, Sufism travelled to distant lands, holding aloft the banner of faith and the flag of human values, learning from spiritual thoughts of other civilisations, and attracting people with the life and message of its saints.

17. ‘Traditional Javanese Islam, a blend of Sufism mixed with Animist and Hindu concepts predating Islam, shares common heritage with Bali.’ ‘Broadly, I'm something of an Animist, so my everyday life is filled with minor recognitions, deals, tributes, and negotiations with local spirits.’

18. The Sunni-Shi’a schism becomes endemic in the Muslim world, such as the rift between Waliist (“Papist” :D , loyal to the Walis of Baghdad) and Caliphist Sunnism; meantime Sufism, a trans-confessional mystical approach to Islam (and not only that faith) emerges as …

19. The Sunni-Shi’a schism becomes endemic in the Muslim world, such as the rift between Waliist (“Papist” , loyal to the Walis of Baghdad) and Caliphist Sunnism; meantime Sufism, a trans-confessional mystical approach to Islam (and not only that faith) emerges as a significant philosophy in multicultural Persia/Iran

20. ‘a narrow, humorless, Ascetic face’ ‘Sufism emphasises the more mystical and Ascetic aspects of the religion.’ ‘Yet the texts are firmly part of the later medieval world: the first two come from the writings of visionary women mystics and the last from a rigorously Ascetic monastic theologian.’