succession law in English

law which regulated wills and inheritance

Use "succession law" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "succession law" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "succession law", or refer to the context using the word "succession law" in the English Dictionary.

1. Apostolic succession synonyms, Apostolic succession pronunciation, Apostolic succession translation, English dictionary definition of Apostolic succession

2. In self-confident mood, Franco pressed ahead with his plans for the Law of Succession.

3. Ancient Brahmanical codes of law institutionalised the subordination of women’s sexuality to maintain the practices of ‘patrilineal succession’ and ‘caste purity’

4. Allogenic succession is the ecological succession driven by physical factors within the community

5. Since 1714, Britain had shared a monarch with Hanover in Germany, but under Salic law women were excluded from the Hanoverian succession.

6. These precedents encouraged lawyers to talk of the immemorial law of the Salian Franks under which women were excluded from the succession.

7. The line of succession.

8. In regards to the amendment of the 1924 Palace Law of Succession, the king must ask the privy council to draft an amendment.

9. The following is a case law defining Concubinage: Concubinage is the act or practice of cohabiting in sexual intercourse without the authority of law or a legal marriage.[Succession of Jahraus, 114 La

10. 24 The thesis analyses the tendency in correlative aspects of testamental succession and intestate succession.

11. Lahn Awaking or succession ? Question

12. Also Brown, Apostolical Succession, p

13. 1135/2001 on surviving spouses, adulterine children and the modernisation of the law of succession (Loi relative aux droits du conjoint survivant et des enfants adultérins et modernisant diverses dispositions de droit successoral) raises the protection of the surviving spouse, eliminates the discriminations against adulterine children and up-dates several provisions of the law of succession.

14. The title continues with agnatic primogeniture and Salic law like the order of succession in the House of Hanover and in the House of Liechtenstein.

15. 14 The second deals with intestate succession i. e. the mode of distribution prescribed by law in default of any provision made by the deceased.

16. The order of succession continues today.

17. Ratification, Accession(*), Approval(†), Acceptance(‡) or Succession(§)

18. Major events occurred in rapid succession.

19. He fired three shots in quick succession.

20. They had three children in quick succession.

21. A succession of misfortunes has befallen her.

22. Baronets Succession to a Baronetcy ; No succession proved ; History ; Baronets Badge ; Addressing a Baronet ; Standing Council of the Baronetage

23. Cooperatives Board Participation in CEO Succession Events

24. He fired three times in rapid succession .

25. We lost three secretaries in quick succession.