suck in in English


comprehend, absorb; cheat, defraud

Use "suck in" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "suck in" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "suck in", or refer to the context using the word "suck in" in the English Dictionary.

1. Suck in or just suck... no difference.

2. Charybdis was a giant whirlpool, large enough to suck in an entire ship

3. Late Middle English from Latin Absorbere, from ab- ‘from’ + sorbere ‘suck in’.

4. 17 Life is all moon shine, a monstrous humbug, a grand suck - in.

5. My parents got me a tutor in French, and I still suck in French.

6. The “intake valves” actually suck in carbon dioxide from the air for the photosynthesis reaction.

7. And we also suck in messages from everything from the television, to advertising, to marketing, etc.

8. Outside Backyards will suck in more ocean swell than Waimea and 50ft + faces are on the cards

9. Ablatives are to Latin grammar what black holes are to space: They suck in all matter and energy

10. (in the sense ‘the swallowing up of something’): from Latin absorptio(n-), from Absorbere ‘swallow up’, from ab-‘from’ + sorbere ‘suck in

11. The Bowla can suck in water and grow to 10 times its normal size before squirting it all at anything that happens to be near! Price History

12. The Bowla can suck in water and grow to 10 times its normal size before squirting it all at anything that happens to be near! Use Auction

13. Naturalist David Tomlinson admiringly wrote that Jeremy “doesn’t just identify birds by their song, but I swear he can tell them by the way they suck in air between notes!”

14. Besprinkling the immaculate snow; Blood, high-powered with the heat of old vineyards, Boring … into the cool snow … Blood and wine: Mingling in bright pools: 35: That suck at the lights of Petrograd: As dying eyes: Suck in their last sunset

15. Absorpt To suck in Blephar/o Eyelid Cop/o Vagina Acanth A thorn Bol To cast, throw Concuss Shaken violenty Acetabul Vinegar, cup Brach/i Arm Condyle Knuckle Acid Acid Bronch/i/o bronchi Con/i Dust Acoust Hearing Bronchiol Bronchiole Conjunctiv To join together Acr/o Extremity, point Bucc Cheek Connect To bind together Act Acting Burs A pouch