subsidise in English

support (an organization or activity) financially.
it was beyond the power of a state to subsidize a business
synonyms:give money topay a subsidy tocontribute toinvest insponsorsupportfundfinanceunderwriteshell out forfork out forcough up forbankroll

Use "subsidise" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subsidise" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subsidise", or refer to the context using the word "subsidise" in the English Dictionary.

1. And if It'stops moving , subsidise it.

2. Germany has started to subsidise private pension saving.

3. The Finnish and British governments say they will not subsidise nuclear power.

4. The taxpayer won; t subsidise his loss of income.

5. Why should the state subsidise bad employers in that way?

6. Some Tories fondly imagine that privatisation will eliminate the need to subsidise the railways.

7. So the government should subsidise pioneers who break a path for others.

8. A second plausible argument for intervention is that thin people subsidise fat people through health care.

9. How does ability let fabaceous beans do not have a relapse, fabaceous mark subsidise?

10. The State intervened to subsidise the contractually agreed price by making compensatory payments.

11. Lehman is entering bankruptcy because the US Treasury refused to subsidise a rescue.

12. What means do these governments use to protect, regulate, subsidise or stimulate the sector?

13. Public policy should redistribute income and subsidise, if not deliver directly, essential services such as education and health.

14. If they try to subsidise their excess supply, in response to falling demand, retaliation seems certain.

15. The government remains committed to continuing to subsidise the industry, though not to increasing the subsidy.

16. Synonyms for Capitalize include finance, fund, underwrite, bankroll, stake, endow, subsidise, subsidize, back and obtain

17. China keeps its renminbi undervalued against the dollar in order indirectly to subsidise its exports.

18. This explains why the Commission wishes to exercise some degree of control over the freedom to subsidise.

19. Take away or subsidise all nuclear power stations and you lose the commercial logic of the privatisation plans.

20. As Commissioner McCreevy already mentioned, we also accept the extension of support for young farmers to subsidise loans.

21. It would make more sense to build the ships in this country and use those millions to subsidise the industry.

22. That money will be used to subsidise non-paying users, and there is talk of giving free second-hand computers to the poorest.

23. "This WTO ruling shatters the convenient myth that European governments must illegally subsidise Airbus to counter US government assistance to Boeing, " said Michael Luttig, general counsel at Boeing.