subsisted in English

maintain or support oneself, especially at a minimal level.
thousands of refugees subsist on international handouts
synonyms:survivelivestay aliveexisteke out an existencesupport oneselfmanageget along/bymake (both) ends meet
remain in being, force, or effect.
The fiduciary relationship which subsists between solicitor and client comes to an end with the termination of the retainer.

Use "subsisted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subsisted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subsisted", or refer to the context using the word "subsisted" in the English Dictionary.

1. When she died the joint tenancy still subsisted.

2. Our family subsisted by cultivating and selling yam, cassava, and kola nuts.

3. Until 31 December 1995 entitlement to family allowances subsisted until the child reached the age of 16 years.

4. Earol, who selflessly subsisted on half rations during two months of heavy fighting, headed the defense.

5. It is requested that I be authorized to subsist separately and receive a Commuted ration allowance instead of being subsisted in the dining facility

6. Historically, the area has subsisted on lumber and agrarian products; the growth of strawberry fields in Marysville led to the city being nicknamed the "Strawberry City" in the 1920s.

7. Based on marks left on the teeth two specimens found in Malapa caves in southern Africa, it appears that Australopithecus sediba, subsisted almost entirely on a diet of leaves, fruits, wood and bark, a finding that contrasted sharply with the known diet of