starlit in English

lit or made brighter by stars.
a clear starlit night

Use "starlit" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "starlit" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "starlit", or refer to the context using the word "starlit" in the English Dictionary.

1. ‘The Hubble Space Telescope captured a picture of starlit asteroidal and Cometary debris encircling the yellow dwarf star HD 107146.’ ‘At a distance of one light-week, our solar system is lost in the Sun's glare; even farther out is a collection of Cometary objects called the …

2. ‘The Hubble Space Telescope captured a picture of starlit asteroidal and Cometary debris encircling the yellow dwarf star HD 107146.’ ‘At a distance of one light-week, our solar system is lost in the Sun's glare; even farther out is a collection of Cometary objects called the …

3. As my body and mind exhaust, I wouldn’t mind relaxing the remainder of the starlit sunset back on the pond amist the animal-contained forest, and float on one of those water-floater thingies, listening to absolute silence, accept for the bluejays chirping blissful birdly melodies..and the frogs Burpingly catapollting themselves in to the