Use "starlit" in a sentence

1. ‘The Hubble Space Telescope captured a picture of starlit asteroidal and Cometary debris encircling the yellow dwarf star HD 107146.’ ‘At a distance of one light-week, our solar system is lost in the Sun's glare; even farther out is a collection of Cometary objects called the …

2. ‘The Hubble Space Telescope captured a picture of starlit asteroidal and Cometary debris encircling the yellow dwarf star HD 107146.’ ‘At a distance of one light-week, our solar system is lost in the Sun's glare; even farther out is a collection of Cometary objects called the …

3. As my body and mind exhaust, I wouldn’t mind relaxing the remainder of the starlit sunset back on the pond amist the animal-contained forest, and float on one of those water-floater thingies, listening to absolute silence, accept for the bluejays chirping blissful birdly melodies..and the frogs Burpingly catapollting themselves in to the