star of david in English

a six-pointed figure consisting of two interlaced equilateral triangles, used as a Jewish and Israeli symbol.
Soldiers were told to hide crosses and Stars of David , refrain from overt displays of religion, and they were prohibited from drinking alcohol.

Use "star of david" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "star of david" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "star of david", or refer to the context using the word "star of david" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Star of David has six points.

2. Is that a Star of David bikini top?

3. All passengers from the Star of David, listen carefully.

4. In Unicode, the "Star of David" symbol is U+2721 (✡︎).

5. The so-called "Star of David" is essentially a "hexagram, " nothing more, nothing less.

6. RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Region. 19 The Star of David is scribbled on a broken apartment block window.

7. 10 Agorot 1971 aluminum-bronze commemorative coin star of David to the right of the palm 10 Coin value

8. An oversize six - pointed star - they call it a Star of David - is set alight, the delight of photographers.

9. Israel $ km26 10 Agorot (1960-1977) aluminum bronze For Sale $0.25 $ km26a 10 Agorot (1960-1972) with Star of David $ km26b 10 Agorot (1977-1980) aluminum For Sale $0.00 $ km26c 10 Agorot (1974-1979 Star of David $ km65 10 Agorot (JE5733/AD1973) 25th Ann

10. An oversize six-pointed star — they call it a Star of David — is set alight, to the delight of photographers.

11. A cleaner returns home with a Star of David etched on her arm by a soldier wielding a broken bottle.

12. It may surprise initiates to understand that the mer- ka - ba or Star of David energy signature is an electrical signature.

13. There were several sketches of the Star of David flag. "Gaza here we are, " it said in English next to one.

14. The young man scrambled to the flagpole and pulled down the Star of David to the cheers of the hundreds gathered below.

15. Islamic countries use a red crescent instead while Israeli medics wear the Magen David Adom (a red star of David on a white background).

16. A real angel, sporting fancy wings that sparkle bright as snow, a heart in the shape of a Star of David, et cetera, et cetera.

17. All prisoners in Auschwitz were marked with symbols on their prison garb—Jews had the Star of David, and Jehovah’s Witnesses had the purple triangle.

18. At the second dig the findings included yellow tiles stamped with a pierced mullet star resembling a Star of David, and building foundations with a wall.

19. Dan Brown also claims that the "The Star of David" is engraved on the chapel floor but none of the old engravings of the chapel show it to exist.

20. I hope this peaks some of the curious among you to investigate the roots of the "Star of David" or the "Magen David", uncovering the truth behind its' history.

21. Ancient Hebrews represented Saturn with the six pointed star, which later became the Star of David (it also had many other esoteric meanings). The symbol is still found on Israel's flag.

22. Among the items found were glass bottles engraved with the Star of David, mezuzot, painted window sills, and the armrests of chairs found in synagogues, in addition to an ornamental swastika.

23. In addition to the coloured triangle Jewish prisoners were made to wear a yellow triangle sewn on to the coloured triangle in such a way as to form the hexagonal Star of David.”

24. She would place a band with the Star of David on her arm, walk through gates of the Ghetto, and thus would begin her fight with the most powerful extermination machine in human history.

25. Mlodozeniec modified the word "Coexist" in the following ways: for the letter "c," a crescent moon representing Islam is substituted; for the letter "x," the Star of David representing Judaism is substituted; for the letter "t," a cross representing Christianity is substituted; Today, there are several different versions of the Coexist design.