stalked in English

pursue or approach stealthily.
a cat stalking a bird
stride somewhere in a proud, stiff, or angry manner.
without another word she turned and stalked out

Use "stalked" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stalked" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stalked", or refer to the context using the word "stalked" in the English Dictionary.

1. He stalked off without a word.

2. He stalked angrily out of the room.

3. He stalked out and posted it.

4. The hunters stalked their prey.

5. He stalked to the building.

6. What to do if you're Being stalked

7. And then he turned and stalked away.

8. With that, he stalked out of the room.

9. 6 He stalked up the rostrum.

10. Finally, my temper spent, I stalked away.

11. She was stalked by an obsessed fan.

12. She stalked off, leaving them all staring after her.

13. Alistair said, and stalked off, muttering to himself.

14. We stalked the wounded tiger to its lair.

15. She stalked off, leaving Bernice shaken and alone.

16. Jody stalked off the court looking for the culprits.

17. The lion stalked its prey through the long grass.

18. The scandal about his private life stalked the firm soon.

19. I turned and stalked away to the servants' quarters.

20. 11 The lion stalked its prey through the long grass.

21. Rapidly,the sort of disease stalked through the whole of Europe.

22. Yvonne turned and stalked out of the room in disgust.

23. Well, you should've thought of that before you stalked me.

24. 1 The lion stalked its prey through the long grass.

25. After that she stalked off and refused to come near me.

26. Though some groups have lost the stalk in adult forms, Crinoids are considered to follow the stalked, radial morphology, as the stalkless forms are derived from stalked ancestors.

27. He stalked his victim as she walked home, before attacking and robbing her.

28. I stalked amongst the booths and ramshackle dwellings built against the wall.

29. The pocket of sunshine's energy chased away the specter of drought that stalked farmland.

30. Haughtily, he stalked out onto the second floor where I was standing.

31. Sometimes algoid Ivor pancake her chalazas soberingly, but stalked Caspar Anagrammatising intricately orinvoiced hugger-mugger

32. It was the second Bushbuck they’d stalked, but this one held for a shot

33. You stalked this guy for 20 years just for the shot to humiliate him?

34. The danger of inflation stalked the home front because of this " inflationary gap ".

35. He has been stalked by the fear and the condemnation of his conscience.

36. 7 Others sought the Holy Grail, Dad stalked the earth in pursuit of the perfect pyjama.

37. The actress stalked out of a press conference when asked if she had a weight problem.

38. If that's the case, he must've stalked them to know so much about their lives.

39. “The fields of Moab” often proved to be fertile farmland, even when famine stalked Israel.

40. 15 In the last 12 months, Stewart has become a tabloid regular and a blog - stalked cynosure.

41. Kwasniewski, the assistant manager, saw him, stalked over, and gave him a five minute tongue-lashing.

42. Stalked Crinoids, or sea lilies, have a segmented stalk, which is up to 1 m long

43. There are two Crinoid body forms; stalked Crinoids or sea lilies and unstalked feather stars (comatulids)

44. She refused to accept that she was wrong and stalked furiously out of the room.

45. Others sought the Holy Grail, Dad stalked the earth in pursuit of the perfect pyjama.

46. She stalked, stiff-legged like a wolf, into the darkling garden and like a wolf she sniffed the air.

47. As Thomas Reed stalked the lost chalice in Biomorph Land, he often needed to back up.

48. With jade-tipped harpoons they stalked and killed 60 ton whales in skincovered kayaks, called Bidarkas and umikaks

49. Houston played Rachel Marron, a star who is stalked by a crazed fan and hires a bodyguard to protect her.

50. 7 In the last 12 months, Stewart has become a tabloid regular and a blog - stalked cynosure.