stammered in English

speak with sudden involuntary pauses and a tendency to repeat the initial letters of words.
Michael O'Shea, who is over the McGuire Programme's Waterford support group, said the programme provided help and support to people with this speech problem by teaching them a technique that enables them to speak without stammering .
synonyms:stutterstumble over one's wordshesitatefalterpausehaltsplutter

Use "stammered" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stammered" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stammered", or refer to the context using the word "stammered" in the English Dictionary.

1. " I was looking, " he stammered.

2. He always stammered when he met her.

3. I stammered for a moment and then finally decided to tell the truth.

4. Now, she stammered in his presence, gone the blustery Trudy her girlfriends knew.

5. When he spoke, Robert stuttered and stammered, void of control.

6. The stammered words of the Consul flooded back to him.

7. Jones always tried to play off poor old Smith ; who stammered badly.

8. At first the man couldn't find the words and he simply stammered for a few seconds before he was finally able to speak Coherently "Washington D.C

9. Susan 's stammered explanation did nothing to help us understand why a twelve-by-eighteen-inch dark blue carpet remnant was being presented as a birthday gift .