spokesmen in English

a person, especially a man, who makes statements on behalf of another individual or a group.
a spokesman for Greenpeace

Use "spokesmen" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spokesmen" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spokesmen", or refer to the context using the word "spokesmen" in the English Dictionary.

1. His spokesmen have consistently denied the reports.

2. They are left - wing activists, but they impersonate spokesmen of large companies.

3. By mid 1972 Soviet spokesmen adopted a more conciliatory tone.

4. Your first forefather sinned, And your spokesmen have transgressed against Me.

5. Requests from group spokesmen illustrated varying degrees of preparation and political acumen.

6. Civil liberties were also denied antislavery spokesmen attempting to exercise their freedom of the press.

7. Although a few prominent antislavery spokesmen were arrested, they were subsequently acquitted on a technicality.

8. Orthodoxy and national identity were inextricably intertwined, and religious leaders became the spokesmen of national revolt.

9. Northern states did not enact legislation prohibiting discussion of slavery, but mob violence often awaited antislavery spokesmen.

10. Homeland Security spokesmen praised the near-perfect execution of local police, citing zero casualties on the enforcement side...

11. Management decidedly can not rely on having its spokesmen on the spot in the shape of co-operative station staff.

12. According to ideal type cooperative theory, consumer cooperatives are the best possible spokesmen for the consumers in the marketplace.

13. 27 Though greeted with nothing like the derision that met Howarth's six-page statement, the spokesmen encountered a fair degree of scepticism.

14. A group of them even inVited one of the prominent leftist student spokesmen to attend the lectures and help direct the questioning.

15. In Parliament, opposition spokesmen condemned the proposals as an attack on the welfare state and a break with the consensus.

16. Though greeted with nothing like the derision that met Howarth's six-page statement, the spokesmen encountered a fair degree of scepticism.

17. The tone and content of recent statements made by economists, consumer group spokesmen, and political, business and labor leaders are alarming.

18. As an example, Bahais accept Jesus but believe that later spokesmen of God would succeed him and that their teachings would outweigh those of Jesus.

19. Chinese spokesmen usually do not acknowledge any sources of extra-budgetary income that add to the amount of money available to the PLA.

20. On 24 July 2009, The Hindu reported that senior Taliban spokesmen claimed Saad bin Laden was not killed, or even hurt, during the missile attack.

21. F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-19 is a famous American writer in the first half of the twentieth century. He is regarded as one of the spokesmen for "the Lost Generation" in American literature.

22. ‘A Bevy of Party spokesmen went on television interview programs Sunday to justify the advertising campaign.’ ‘Filling in their sound with a Bevy of horns, keyboards and synthesizers, the explosive troupe leaves a larger than life impression on their audiences.’

23. ‘A Bevy of Party spokesmen went on television interview programs Sunday to justify the advertising campaign.’ ‘Filling in their sound with a Bevy of horns, keyboards and synthesizers, the explosive troupe leaves a larger than life impression on their audiences.’

24. While Einstein Adamantly declared himself without religion, he never considered himself an atheist but a scientist; however he always considered himself a member of the Jewish culture and with the changes taking place in Germany, he became a prominent spokesmen for the Zionist movement.

25. Its determination and Advisability is justified only as the logical mean in the media in line with the ethic norms in the spirit of the new technologies and not like "opinionmakers" or "spokesmen" and "creators of the public opinion".

26. Recently in the debate in the Assembly on the Public Safety Bill , it was a touching sight to see the spokesmen of government waxing eloquent on the beauties of Hindu and Islamic ideals of society and pointing out in woeful accents the terrible upheavals that would follow the spread of socialistic and communistic ideas .