spines in English

a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the backbone.
Cervical nerve roots exit the cervical spine through the intervertebral foramina between the vertebrae.
any hard pointed defensive projection or structure, such as a prickle of a hedgehog, a spikelike projection on a sea urchin, a sharp ray in a fish's fin, or a spike on the stem of a plant.
The dorsal and pectoral fins have hard spines whereas the other rays are soft like the anal and caudal fins.

Use "spines" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spines" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spines", or refer to the context using the word "spines" in the English Dictionary.

1. We had long spines, the spines forming the big sail.

2. They are contained within a pod covered with spines (spines have thickened base).

3. Da said your spines can guide us.

4. Those dorsal spines are laden with venom.

5. 30 The dorsal arm spines are the longest nearly two arm segments in length, the ventral arm spines are much shorter.

6. Cacti are famous for having sharp spines

7. Covering the surface (dermal Branchiae) in between the spines

8. Their coloration gives them the appearance of small spines.

9. Here, nearly all the plants are covered with ferocious spines.

10. There are three or four conical pointed arm spines.

11. (pl., Aculeae) Small spines on the wing membrane of Lepidoptera.

12. Just try not to crack the spines or burn them.

13. Wings of these species have tiny spines (Aculeae) in basal patches

14. Mackerel scad have 9 spines and 31–36 rays on their dorsal fins, while there are seven spines and 27–30 rays on their anal fins.

15. B = Bicapitate, U = unicapitate, D = disked; ornamentation: S = spines, C = calyces

16. Aculea (pl., Aculeae) = Minute spines on the wing membrane in Lepidoptera

17. One of the sharp hollow spines of a porcupine or hedgehog.

18. Central spines: 3-5, stout Awllike-like up to 5 cm yellow, orange, orange-red or brown, dark tipped, protruding through the fine, woolly, hair-like radial spines.

19. The Areoles are the hairy protrusions from which the spines arise

20. The Easter lily cactus is dark green with brown spines. Sentencedict.com

21. Central spines: 3-5, stout Awllike-like up to 5 cm yellow, orange, orange-red or brown, dark-tipped, protruding through the fine, woolly, hair-like radial spines

22. Central spines: 3-5, stout Awllike-like up to 5 cm yellow, orange, orange-red or brown, dark tipped, protruding through the fine, woolly, hair-like radial spines.

23. Surprisingly during the night the red spines turn into a chalky pink.

24. The venomous spines make the fish inedible or deter most potential predators.

25. A predator with two-metre-long spines rising over its back.

26. 7 The scales are armed with low granules and simple spines.

27. News stories of genocidal revenge killings are sending chills down our spines.

28. Spines at the base of leaves allow Bedstraw to cling to objects.

29. The anal fin contains three spines and nine to 11 (usually 10) rays.

30. In some smaller madtoms, the spines have a groove and venom sac.

31. And these spines don't always drive you to make the best choices.

32. And with chicks to feed, he also uses the spines as a larder.

33. Trout-perches (Percopsidae) 1. adipose fin; 2. spines leading to dorsal and anal fins

34. All Cacti have areoles, or small bumps from which sprout flowers, branches, or spines.

35. Areoles are the cactus equivalent of tree branches, and the spines are the

36. T. kimberleyensis can be identified from its fins, with five spines and 11–13 soft rays on the dorsal fin, three spines and 14–16 rays on the anal fin, and 12–13 pectoral rays.

37. Some males have grotesquely shaped horns , spines and tubercles on various parts of their body .

38. Like those of other cats, the male lion's penis has spines that point backward.

39. The pollen from a mallow flower. Its spines help it cling to birds' feathers .

40. In some specimens the arm spines form a fan on the proximal arm segment.

41. These larger spines are slightly flattened and on proximal joints may have blunt tips.

42. On the proximal arm segment the arm spines meet midradially forming a single fan.

43. All analysis was gone, adrenaline brain kicked in, and I just yanked the spines out.

44. For example, the ever- present sea urchin sports needlelike spines able to penetrate unprotected hands.

45. During reproduction, the male's belly turns orange and its pectoral spines become longer and thicker.

46. Broom is a large, deciduous shrub, similar in appearance to gorse, but without the spines

47. Porcupinefishes or Burrfishes are large puffers with stout spines that have roots embedded under the skin

48. Porcupinefishes or Burrfishes are large puffers with stout spines that have roots embedded under the skin

49. Polar spines three-sided prismatic, Cuspidate, about as long as the axis of the shell

50. Wings are rounded at the tips, and tiny spines (Aculeae) are present on the forewing.