specks in English

a tiny spot.
the figure in the distance had become a mere speck
mark with small spots.
their skin was specked with goose pimples

Use "specks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "specks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "specks", or refer to the context using the word "specks" in the English Dictionary.

1. There once was a time when people were people and specks were specks.

2. 5 Within their surfaces are tiny specks of quartz.

3. Definitions for the word, Aphtha (n.) One of the whitish specks called Aphthae

4. Many Circuses had several themed specks during a performance, (example - a Mother Goose speck)

5. Even though traditionally Bloodstone is considered a mostly deep green color (of chalcedony) with red color specks (of jasper), you can often find Bloodstone with many saturated specks of color—including yellow, warm grey, and deep brown.

6. Uneconomic industrialized Jared specks Aphoriser traverses superheat coarsely! Alight Joe chloridizing, Buy Ardin Diazepam bowdlerizes recollectedly

7. Aphthae: Roundish pearl-colored specks or flakes in the mouth, on the lips, etc., terminating in white sloughs

8. 12 One by one its small relatives vanish, black specks which trick the eye, then are no more.

9. In my light they come and go as the specks of dust dancing in the sunbeam.

10. What to Look For: Choose plump, evenly colored yellow Bananas flecked with tiny brown specks (a sign of ripeness)

11. ' Bibble (neon pink with silver sparkles), Freak Betty (navy with turquoise glitter) and snow Mix (white with coloured specks) were faves

12. 26 The pictures show four likely planets that appear as specks of white, nearly indecipherable except to the most eagle-eyed experts.

13. 21 What the waitress brought me was a plate piled with weeds and seeds, topped with a zesty pink dressing with specks.

14. Crappie fishing tips and techniques catching help and learning how to fish using rod reel hook and line for Crappie specks.

15. Eye floaters (also known as Posterior vitreous detachments, PVD) are little “Cobwebs” or specks that float about in your field of vision

16. If you find Axolotls in the wild, they are usually tan or brown in color with some gold specks over their body

17. 28 The pictures show four likely planets that appear as specks of white,[www.Sentencedict.com] nearly indecipherable except to the most eagle-eyed experts.

18. Calcifications are small deposits of calcium that show up on mammograms as bright white specks or dots on the soft tissue background of the breasts

19. A few moments later the two heroes were just specks under a cloud of dust,(sentence dictionary) heading down towards the charcoal city.

20. This orchid has a semi-circular flowers of old-rose color, reddish-pink lips, and pale silver specks on the petals that glisten in the light.

21. The Airedales screamed to the west at 265 degrees for ten minutes, when the keen-sighted Vraciu spoted three specks in the sky ahead

22. COTTON CORDELL RIPPLIN' RED FIN Crankbaits The Cotton Cordell Red Fin is a legendary lure for a variety of gamefish, from bass and walleye in freshwater to specks and redfish on the coasts.

23. ▪ Rivers: Over time, gold-bearing reefs that become exposed to sun, rain, and wind break down, releasing trapped gold, which then accumulates in creeks and rivers as tiny specks or flakes.

24. Sea Bunnies are often yellow with black specks Sea slug expert, Ángel Valdés of California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, said that these creatures only live a …

25. Melanoid Axolotls tend to have a darker shade as compared to the wild types, and they have more melanophores with dark pigmentation as compared to the wild types, but lack the shiny specks.

26. With only one of them did I see anything but blackness or the familiar lacteal opacity, and that time I saw, to my pleasure and amazement, a variegated constellation of flecks, specks, and dots.

27. Identification: The Broadtail Madtom is similar to the Speckled Madtom, Noturus leptacanthus, but lacks dark specks on the body, has a conspicuous dark blotch at the base of the caudal fin, and has a stouter body and a rounded caudal fin

28. ‘Many larger trees showed Cankered boles and parasite-bloated boughs.’ ‘Tiny black specks, which are reproductive bodies of the cane blight fungus, develop in the brown Cankered bark.’ ‘Because of Adam's sin, the whole mass of mankind is Cankered at the roots.’

29. Flies and gnats swarm in millions and dance gracefully in the warm evening air , the lovely moths fly silently like angels among the sweet - scented blossoms and myriads of twinkling specks of fireflies and glow - worms add enchantment to our moonless nights .

30. Although genes have since been found to be actually very complex structures , being ultra - microscopic specks of nucleic acid which can reproduce themselves by copying , they are transmitted from parent to progeny as indivisible units of heredity so that they behave very much like atoms in chemistry .

31. SUTER Basel Aplanat A #5 wet plate 1880 18x18 large format ☆☆☆ cosmetic condition with signs of use and age, lens looks clean with slight marks and specks (without effects), one hole aperture, 1880 Aplanat Typ lens , height 145 mm (with lens hood), Ø 105 mm, weight 1550 gr, flange approx

32. It crushed them into the remotest recesses of their own minds, pressing out of them, like juices from the grape, all the false Ardors and exaltations and undue self-values of the human soul, until they perceived themselves finite and small, specks and motes, moving with weak cunning and little wisdom amidst the play and inter-play of the great blind

33. Ross consulted his Webster and found ten more in the second edition: ANDHRA the southeastern part of India ANNWFU in Welsh tradition, a sea-girt revolving castle Aphtha specks or flakes caused by parasitic fungi growing in the mouth ARCHLY in an arch manner ELTCHI variant of elchee, an ambassador or envoy ENGHLE obsolete spelling of ingle ERTHLY reformed spelling of earthly …

34. Besprinkled: In this dyeing method, we sprinkle the dye onto the hank in a way that it allows for runs of color, not just specks of color as in our Speckled collection, and not full color sections as in our Kaleidoscope collection.Primarily on a Natural background, these are nice on their own for a lighter look or a nice complement to a darker, fuller toned skein.