solon in English

( circa 630– circa 560 bc ) , Athenian statesman and lawgiver. One of the Seven Sages, he revised the code of laws established by Draco. His division of the citizens into four classes based on wealth rather than birth was the basis for Athenian democracy.

Use "solon" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "solon" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "solon", or refer to the context using the word "solon" in the English Dictionary.

1. Chromate Industrial Corporation, Solon, Ohio

2. When the wise man Solon comes to visit his kingdom, Croesus asks Solon if he had ever seen greater opulence than his own

3. Home → Politics → Two-term GOP solon seeks Attorney generalship Two-term GOP solon seeks Attorney generalship MAPLE GROVE, Minn

4. Solon wants farmers to adopt Aeroponics

5. 2 Why do you call on the name of Solon?

6. Harley Barmen: C/RHP, (2024) Solon, OH

7. 6 The senate of 400 founded by Solon in ancient athens.

8. 10 The weak and trusting character of Solon plunged Athens into slavery.

9. Bowknot Design make its style suitable for Hair Solon and Travel Spa

10. 1 His task done, Solon travelled abroad for ten years.

11. 9 D . The hair solon is around the corner from the post office.

12. 4 Having laid the foundations of material prosperity, Solon turned to the constitution.

13. According to a source, Croesus met the sage Solon and showed him how much wealth he had

14. 8 Solon thinks these findings are " just the beginning of a discussion, not the end ".

15. By the 6th century BC, widespread social unrest led to the reforms of Solon.

16. We opened our Solon Brewpub in 2013 bringing homegrown authentic ingredients into a contemporary setting

17. Connor First Archivist of the United States October 10, 1934 – September 15, 1941 Solon J

18. 13 Call no man happy till he dies , he is at best but fortunate. -- Solon.

19. 11 An economic and political crisis around 600 was resolved by the reforms of Solon.

20. 12 The further political history of Athens up to the time of Solon is only imperfectly known.

21. Croesus disagrees, and he tries to impress Solon with a list of vanquished foes and claimed territories.

22. 3 Editor's Note : Athenian Jury Court, established by Solon , was attached to the Assembly in the beginning.

23. Ashtabula — A company out of Solon has bought the old Harbor High property across from the Harbor-Topky Memorial Library

24. 5 Indeed, the great lawgiver Solon once contemplated making marriage compulsory, and in Athens under Pericles bachelors were excluded from certain important public positions.

25. Plato's mother was Perictione, whose family boasted of a relationship with the famous Athenian lawmaker and lyric poet Solon.

26. 7 Greek culture was climbing toward its classical peak, thanks to natural philosophers (Thales, Parmenides), early political leaders (Solon), engineers (Chersiphron), and poets (Sappho,( Pindar).

27. However, Lee successfully recovers numerous Chinese cultural treasures stolen by Juntao, which he presents as a farewell victory to his departing superiors: Chinese Consul Solon Han and British Commander Thomas Griffin.

28. It seems that early in the sixth century B.C.E., during the lifetime of the Athenian statesman and lawmaker Solon, this piece of land was designated as the site of the city’s public square.

29. Grekaj sintenoj direkte al "Barbaroj" evoluigitaj en paralela kun la kresko de kapitalaĵosklaveco - precipe en Ateno.Kvankam la sklavigo de grekoj por nepago de ŝuldoj daŭris en la plej multaj grekaj ŝtatoj, Ateno malpermesis tiun praktikon sub Solon en la frua 6-a jarcento a.K