solus in English

alone or unaccompanied (used especially as a stage direction).
In that hotel room my father sat alone, solus , in the presence of the God that is, the God whose face we cannot see, the God who, if he speaks at all, says only I am that I am.

Use "solus" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "solus" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "solus", or refer to the context using the word "solus" in the English Dictionary.

1. Abjectis igitur et combustis libris, in quibus commenta diaboli continebantur, solus ille liber in quo Historia Sancti Albani continebatur, in thesauro carissime reponebatur

2. After the senate has decreed vows and supplications for the return of Tiberius solus Dolabella Cornelius, dum anteire ceteros parat, absurdam in Adulationem progressus, censuit ut ouans e Campania urbem introiret

3. Quamobrem cum infanti puero solus ad trahendum aliquid uel repellendum nutus sit intiger; nerui autem et propter recentem minusque perfectam Conformationem inhabiles, et propter humorem qui illi ætati exuberat marcidi, et propter nullam exercitationem languidi; pundus uero adeo sit exiguum ut né ab alio quidem inpactum 27b1 grauiter urgeat