sockeye in English

a commercially valuable salmon of the North Pacific and rivers draining into it.
Several species, including white sturgeon, pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon, and sockeye salmon , come inland to spawn.

Use "sockeye" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sockeye" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sockeye", or refer to the context using the word "sockeye" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hence in order of prevalence coho are most infected followed by sockeye, chinook, chum and pink."

2. Is winter and spring snowmelt more erratic, causing abrupt changes to stream flow and depth in Sockeye Creek?

3. Blueback, common name for a number of blue-coloured fishes, particularly the lake herring, or cisco, a whitefish (q.v.); the summer, or glut, herring (see herring); and the sockeye salmon

4. The primary tool used in-season to mitigate against environmental conditions like those experienced by Fraser River sockeye in 2004 is the Environmental Management Adjustment (EMA) model.

5. I have previously examined smoked chum salmon sides that were riddled with cysts and some sockeye runs in Barkley Sound (southern B.C., west coast of Vancouver Island) are noted for their high incidence of infestation."

6. The Fraser Panel, a joint Canada/U.S. body responsible for the management of Fraser River sockeye in waters specified by the Pacific Salmon Treaty (1985), reached in 2001 a bilateral agreement to limit the exploitation rate on late

7. Significant associations between six6 and age At maturity were observed in two of the four species, Sockeye and Steelhead, with the association in Steelhead being particularly strong in both sexes ( p = 4.46×10 ‐9 after adjusting for genomic inflation).

8. Cogitative roko habitat (n.) tansy denzitometrija கால் விரல் chato por los polos bull-dog appraisal dinner service sockeye boccie sveikas template zbog šire Pharm bedbug, small bloodsucking insect faire table rase (fig.) Fragment irregular heartbeat, irregular heartbeat (Medicine) hurray provisoire buclă; lat …

9. ‘The center's main mission is to catch adult Chum salmon and strip their eggs and sperm for artificial reproduction.’ ‘Another along the McNeil River in Alaska captures the world's largest congregation of brown bears fishing for sockeye, silver, and Chum salmon.’ ‘We'll fish for Arctic char, Chum salmon, grayling, sheefish, and pike.’