sodality in English

a confraternity or association, especially a Roman Catholic religious guild or brotherhood.
We all had to assemble in the school on a Sunday morning with our white sashes, and join with all the other schools and sodalities for Benediction on the steps of St. Patrick's College.

Use "sodality" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sodality" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sodality", or refer to the context using the word "sodality" in the English Dictionary.

1. Something going on: some sodality.

2. Afternoon:Joining the family sodality with local people.

3. Evening:Joining the family sodality with local people.

4. The club will hold sodality every year and invite members for free.

5. Fireworks performance of Songzhuang Artists Sodality of 2010 Spring Festival Eve,( at Songzhuang Original Art Center.

6. Hold annual venture model summit, innovation forum, New Year sodality , and attend business visit including overseas visit.

7. Emily Blandish was a time sensitive who was formerly part of the Sodality before becoming an amnesiac lost in 1949

8. If the snow arrival is a windfall word, that New Year's day is one of our budget sodality for pleasure.

9. In the meantime she takes up other social positions like the vice president of Liaoning Overseas Friends Sodality .

10. The main purpose of this sodality was to make the leaders know each other better by some communion and wonderful games.

11. Conference: Supply the services and plan for conferences, including news express, fashions show, annual meeting , forum, and sodality and so on.

12. The main purpose of this sodality was to make the leaders know each other better by some communication and wonderful games.

13. Supply the services and plan for conferences, including news express, fashions show, annual meeting, forum, and sodality and so on.

14. She is the member both of Beijing Artists Association and Beijing Female Artists Sodality, and the director of Beijing Fine Brushwork Color Painting Association.

15. The essay discusses several forms of the west Fujian's Hakkas' action of making their clan more cog national, which include the guildhall, the countrymen organization and the sodality.

16. Golden Emperor Business Club in Continental style is the best venue for foreign friends to enjoy fitness, entertainment, leisure and sodality and all other 5-star excellent services.

17. Bandera (Sshe Retina Stimulants, Sigillum S, The Sodality, Iugula-Thor, etc.), Andrea Chiaravalli (Iugula-Thor), both from Milan, and Mark Solotroff (Anatomy of Habit, Bloodyminded, The Fortieth Day, Intrinsic Action, etc.), from Chicago.

18. Brutal & harsh tones that cut through the air with manic male agonizing screams moving into a lyrical attack… Bloodyminded, originally released in 1984 on the legendary Aquilifer Sodality in cassette, is the third official reissue of Mauthausen Orchestra on Urashima in Lp.