skinheads in English

a young man of a subculture characterized by close-cropped hair and heavy boots, often perceived as aggressive.
And, believe it or not, they were actually quite successful for a few years in transforming racially tolerant white skinheads into violent and racist hooligans.

Use "skinheads" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "skinheads" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "skinheads", or refer to the context using the word "skinheads" in the English Dictionary.

1. The skinheads?

2. ABC, a newspaper in Madrid, carried the headline “Skinheads—The New Nightmare of the Streets.”

3. Another study, carried out by Magdaleena Jaakkola, focused on the attitudes of youth towards skinheads and their activities

4. 12 In the 1960s both skinheads and hirsute hippies were challenging the uniformity of a generation that had received its formative haircuts while in uniform.

5. But these Boneheads – as they’re referred to by anti-racist skinheads – represent a complete break with genuine skinhead history, culture and traditions

6. 12 The vast majority of these groups promote white supremacist beliefs, and range from skinheads living in urban areas to the KKK ,which is based largely in rural settings.

7. 5 Two white supremacist skinheads were arrested in Tennessee over plans to go on a killing spree and eventually shoot Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, court documents showed on Tuesday.

8. ‘The constitutional Banishment of the swastika has only increased its mystical power among skulking skinheads.’ ‘One example was the Banishment of music from meals, except for the express purpose of complementing a particular food.’

9. ‘Skinheads Bestrode our little world like colossi.’ ‘He Bestrode the worlds of scientific research and education with a zeal that even death could not vanquish.’ ‘The kind of small-town hostility to European monarchies comically depicted by Mark Twain then Bestrode the world stage.’

10. Autarkies by Flávio Gonçalves February 2 at 4:11 AM · I know you guys think Putin is a far-right politician, but don't let the mainstream fool you: Navalny is the further-right (as in skinheads and swastikas that think Putin is too soft on immigration, corruption, Islam and crime and too Socialist on economics) option to Putin.