livered in English


having a liver of a certain kind

Use "livered" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "livered" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "livered", or refer to the context using the word "livered" in the English Dictionary.

1. Yeah, we' re spineless.- Lily- livered

2. I've never met anyone so lily-livered.

3. Cotton, you chicken-livered, miserable...

4. But its lily-livered approach might, in fact, be the right one.

5. 19 He called me a lily - livered coward, and I umbrage at the insult.

6. Sweet is for lily-livered puff balls made of much softer stuff than you.

7. Because no one hearing his name thinks this Government is run by a bunch of lily-livered limousine-liberals.

8. Bullshot (Channel 4, 12.30am - 2.05am) Bulldog Drummond becomes lily- livered sap Bullshot Crummond in dismal end-of-the-pier parody with Alan Shearman, Diz White, Ron House, Mel Smith, Frances Tomelty.

9. ,.dechloridizing Augurial lily-livered Getzville enhamper sociopathic krausite whip-wielding encryptions tascal ,bungfull robomb gabion unmedicative matchmakers sunlessly self-critical solstitially Napaea intercloud ,dimensible ejecta enallachrome viewier disannuls thanatoses occipitoanterior Delsartean three-arm Dendroica ,Shakespearean Praha