signatories in English

a party that has signed an agreement, especially a country that has signed a treaty.
Bulgaria is a signatory to a variety of international human rights conventions

Use "signatories" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "signatories" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "signatories", or refer to the context using the word "signatories" in the English Dictionary.

1. Complete list of signatories.


3. The identity of the signatories of the account must be verified

4. 3 Signatories of the United States Declaration of Independence.

5. 2 Both countries are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

6. Signatories on administrative board necessary to uphold the company's legal responsibility.

7. All 187 signatories were committed to the goal of (eventual) nuclear disarmament.

8. Almost all EU countries are signatories of ADR and RID.

9. Eighteen States parties and two signatories are in the process of adopting legislation.

10. Most western European nations are signatories to/of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

11. The agreement recognizes that there is substantial equivalency of programs accredited by those signatories.

12. Both nations are also signatories of the South Asia Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA).

13. The treaty limited the total capital ship tonnage of each of the signatories.

14. The Signatories may amend this Agreement inter alia, to the experience gained in its implementation.

15. 23 The rise of trade such as the European Union and the NAFTA signatories.

16. As a rule, signatories according to the value of the contract amendment as per Annex I.

17. Amendment 4 had fallen, as the number of signatories had gone below the threshold of 38 Members.

18. Almost all signatories to the additional protocols have made interpretative statements equivalent to reservations.

19. The PTS is working with States Signatories to obtain VSAT operating licences for a further # s

20. 5 The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty.

21. Dear sister and brother signatories of the document entitled Birth Control Pills: Contraceptive or Abortifacient.

22. 28 Those rules have been taken into account by the signatories to the two Community Patent Conventions.

23. The treaty stipulated for the future creation of one state of all the four signatories, under one constitution.

24. For signatories to this Agreement, this Agreement shall remain open for ratification, acceptance or approval at any time.

25. The Tiger Range Countries are signatories to other international conventions to address international trade on endangered species.

26. The diploma is valid only when Attested below by all signatories signed, for and on behalf of .

27. For example, both CMS and ADM(Mat) would be signatories on a memo transferring funds between the two organisations.

28. Available in English and Spanish, Barmen Today has received more than 11,000 signatories since its release in August 2018

29. The treaty was due to enter into force after ratification by the parliaments of the five signatories by Jan. 19

30. As an alternative, testing activities may be performed on the premises of one of the signatories, provided that full objectivity can be guaranteed.

31. • fewer returns from a referral to an alternate redress mechanism for MOU signatories (12.5%) than from non-MOU respondents (20.9%).

32. This meeting followed the ratification on Dec. 10 and 12 of the CIS declaration by the original signatories' Supreme Soviets.

33. There is also the danger that small, local agreements spin out of control as trade imbalances grow among their signatories.

34. United Nations Convention against Corruption of 31 October 2003 List of signatories Inter-American Convention Against Corruption IACAC signatures and ratifications

35. The data also showed fewer returns from a referral to an alternate redress mechanism for MOU signatories (12.5%) than from non-MOU respondents (20.9%).

36. We will arrive about 5 minutes before each appointment to introduce ourselves and properly record the signatories and Affiants in a record book

37. Encouraged Parties, all Signatories, other interested States and organizations to look into other funding possibilities and to facilitate contact with alternative donors;

38. The Signatories commit to provide each other with necessary information regarding the location and nature of space-based activities under these Accords if a Signatory has reason to believe that the other Signatories’ activities may result in harmful interference with or pose a safety hazard to its space-based activities

39. The signatories of the alternative do not want this right to be recognised for parents in countries with more than one official or regional language.

40. He was one of the signatories of an open letter, published in The Guardian, criticising the government for its actions regarding the refugee problem.

41. This is one of the reasons why Canada, originally a climate change hero -- we were one of the first signatories of the Kyoto Accord.

42. The signatories to the Declaration commit, amongst other things, to the use of animal experiments only when the research concerns fundamentally important knowledge and no alternative methods are available.

43. 17 Original signatories were Australia, Canada, Ceylon, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Malaya and North Borneo, but later the membership expanded to 25 countries.

44. Alternative dispute resolution, Judicial-criminal) Member States of the European Union The signatories to the EU and EC Treaties; the countries that together form the EU:

45. Alternatives In light of the commitments made by the signatories to the Federal Provincial Agreement for Chicken, a delegation of authority by CFC to the provincial chicken marketing boards is required.

46. We will circulate a draft soon and we invite EAS members to become signatories on a voluntary basis without any financial obligation, once the text is finalized through mutual consultations.

47. In addition to voluntary agreements with manufacturers, many Signatories including Denmark, Germany, and Italy are using labelling programmes to encourage the use of product alternatives that have fewer or no heavy metals.

48. Such signatories Advisingly should be either to sign, so that any of the parties could have access to such accounts in event of death withouth going through herculean protocols

49. International Association of Insurance Supervisors, Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding is a statement of its signatories’ intent to cooperate in the Field of information exchange as well as procedure for handling information requests.

50. One of the signatories is songwriter and recording artist Alana Levondoski who was so touched by Barmen Today that she volunteered her talents to write and record “Divine Obedience,” the document’s theme song.