lineal descendant in English

(Law) person who is a direct offspring, direct descendant (children and their children down through the generations, including grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so forth)

Use "lineal descendant" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lineal descendant" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lineal descendant", or refer to the context using the word "lineal descendant" in the English Dictionary.

1. Descendant of someone Bynamed al-Ṣafrā’ (the yellow woman) al-Ṣulṭānī: family: descendant of the sultan: al-Sa`dī: family: descendant of Sa`d: al-Sa`īdī: family: descendant of Sa`īd: al-Sabā´ī: family: descendant of Ibn al-Sabā’ (an early Shia) al-Salmānī: family: descendant of Salmān: al-Shabībī: family: descendant of

2. So you're a descendant.

3. A descendant of an array ar is either ar or the descendant of a child of ar.

4. Firstborn descendant of Clan Dun Broch.

5. He is a descendant of Confucius.

6. The antonym of Antecedent is descendant.

7. There is a difference in time of arrival between the lineal and reflected sound waves (see fig.

8. Synonyms for Ancestorial include inherited, familial, family, lineal, genealogical, traditional, tribal, maternal, paternal and patriarchal

9. 108 Codifications OF REALITY: LINEAL AND NONLINEAL ence which is used as a basis of classification

10. Diana is a direct descendant of Robert Peel.

11. Outline Descendant Report for William Bebat or Bobet.

12. He is a worthy descendant of the working class.

13. Canto was the descendant of an old Uruguayan family.

14. 12 She is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria.

15. A member of a tribe; descendant: Children of Abraham

16. A Levite descendant of Gershon through Ladan; a “headman.”

17. The Earl's descendant accepted the apologies of Hampden's heir.

18. His design was a descendant of a 1956 device.

19. Sister Wirthlin is a direct descendant of Utah pioneers.

20. Paul claims to be a descendant of King Charles I.

21. The Messiah would be a descendant of the faithful man Abraham.

22. Now, I'm the direct descendant of the mountain man Jim Bridger.

23. Much later, Moses married a descendant of Cush (Numbers 12:1)

24. When persons are related by a direct line of descendancy from a common ancestor, it is called lineal Consanguinity.

25. Marriages between lineal descendants and ascendants and to some degree of cognates and agnates are prohibited and declared void.