sex crime in English

a crime involving sexual assault or having a sexual motive.
Violent crime, which includes public order offences, sex crime and physical assaults, is down six per cent in York, and vehicle crime is down by 13 per cent.

Use "sex crime" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sex crime" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sex crime", or refer to the context using the word "sex crime" in the English Dictionary.

1. Where are the files stored from your sex crime division?

2. Only one of these men showed up on police records, With a sex crime.

3. Circumstances differ when a woman is accosted by a man who intends to commit a sex crime.

4. Well-known kumu hula Howell “Chinky” Mahoe of Kailua — who is a convicted and registered child sex crime offender — is among many authority figures in Hawaii facing civil lawsuits after

5. 11 On Monday Switzerland refused to extradite director Roman Polanski to California for sentencing on a 30-year-old sex crime because of potential technical faults in the US request for extradition.