serpents in English

a large snake.
Join us each day for stories about serpents , from flying snakes to Vietnamese cobras and North American copperheads.
a sly or treacherous person, especially one who exploits a position of trust in order to betray it.
a bass wind instrument made of leather-covered wood in three U-shaped turns, with a cup-shaped mouthpiece and few keys. It was played in military and church bands from the 17th to 19th centuries.
Brass bands began as military bands in the 19th century, initially with keyed bugles, serpents , bass horns, and other keyed brass instruments, changing to valved brass once these became available.

Use "serpents" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "serpents" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "serpents", or refer to the context using the word "serpents" in the English Dictionary.

1. Let the serpents bite these devils.

2. Like coils of serpents, both of your fates are entwined.

3. 24 There are bracelets minutely fashioned as serpents.

4. “Cautious as Serpents and yet Innocent as Doves”

5. Pigeon went on, without attending to her;'but those serpents!

6. Yes, Jesus likened his followers to sheep, serpents, doves, and locusts.

7. Well, Jesus Christ likened his followers to sheep, serpents, doves, and even locusts.

8. In particular, both were depicted as multi-headed winged serpents.

9. Amphisbaena are vicious two-headed serpents noted for their ability to regenerate

10. And in the days of Lib the apoisonous serpents were destroyed.

11. The ‘creeping things’ James mentions may include serpents controlled by snake charmers.

12. I felt that serpents and other slimy creatures 53 were creeping around me.

13. Thus, Jesus advised his disciples to be “cautious as serpents” while remaining “innocent as doves.”

14. 15), that Egypt nourishes innumerable serpents, basilisks, and twoheaded serpents (Amphisbaenas), and the seytalus (a serpent of a glistening color), and the (Latin: Jaculus), and adders, and vipers, and many others.

15. In cool weather, serpents do not tempt; they grow diffident, recede and hibernate.

16. 16 The embroidered serpents back of these snakeskin garments writhe when you use them.

17. "Basilicus" royal, so the nickname "King of Serpents" is particularly apt

18. When a jealous goddess sent two huge serpents to kill him, Heracles strangled them.

19. You'll notice the letterhead is adorned by the symbol of the Rame Tep, two golden serpents.

20. He will suck the poison of serpents ; the fangs of an adder will kill him.

21. He would know, considering we found concrete proof that he hired the Serpents to kill Jason.

22. When Moses and the children of Israel were in the wilderness, poisonous serpents bit the people.

23. The sprawling figures of men and serpents and lizards can only be viewed from high above: art for the gods.

24. The serpents walls, tank ditches, natural barriers such as rivers, lakes etc, all this creates the fortified area.

25. On Roman tombstones and in the Iron age in the Celtic period we find a mounted night killing serpents.

26. Chitin is used to craft two relatively strong weapons, one of which is useful when hunting Sea Serpents

27. Living among poisonous tentacles would seem to be comparable to setting up home in a nest of serpents.

28. We read also that Eudamus, a certain philosopher, made rings against the bites of serpents, Bewitchings, and evil spirits

29. “For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, ... hath been tamed of mankind:

30. Aaron’s rod (serpent) swallowing the rods (serpents) of the magicians symbolized that the Lord’s power is greater than the power of mortals.

31. Aspises are serpents or dragons found in medieval European mythology probably based on the characteristics of the aspic viper (Vipera aspis)

32. Matthew 23:33 View whole chapter See verse in context Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the dAmnation of hell?

33. The Caduceus is a hybrid of the staff of Hermes/Mercury, messenger of the gods, and two serpents in a coital position, representing fertility.

34. For example, when the children of Israel were bitten by poisonous serpents, Moses was commanded to raise up a brass serpent on a pole.

35. THE BIBLE, DOUAY-RHEIMS VERSION VARIOUS The teeth of Beasts, and scorpions, and serpents, and the sword taking vengeance upon the ungodly unto destruction

36. 24:45) This message corresponds to the locusts’ tails that have “stings like scorpions” and the horses of a cavalry, whose “tails are like serpents.”

37. The dualism that she embodies is powerfully Concretized in her image: her face is of two fanged serpents and her skirt is of interwoven snakes (snakes

38. It consists of a Sun orb flanked by two wings. The Egyptians traditionally depicted two serpents on the wings, representing the goddesses protecting Upper and Lower Egypt.

39. Basilosauruses have few natural predators; only supernatural monsters like krakens , thalassic behemoths, and the largest of sea serpents can truly threaten a fully grown one.

40. It is noteworthy that, in addressing the religious leaders of his day, Jesus Christ said: “Serpents, offspring of vipers, how are you to flee from the judgment of Gehenna?”

41. Several million Israelites —old and young, men, women, and children— had been walking for 40 long years in “the great and fear-inspiring wilderness, with poisonous serpents and scorpions and with thirsty ground that [had] no water.”

42. If the Basilisk was a dinosaur-like reptile (again) In European bestiaries and legends, a Basilisk is a legendary reptile reputed to be the king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance

43. Chokshi, 2021 The Gilded Wolves: ☆☆☆☆ The Silvered Serpents: ☆☆☆☆ The Bronzed Beasts: ? 15/01/2021 TITEL, COVER UND BUCHBESCHREIBUNG SIND DA !!! 😍😍😍😍 Mir fällt jetzt auf - und ich finde es etwas witzig - dass die Titel "absteigend" sind: Golden, Silbern, Bronzen, während

44. One is that the Caduceus is comprised of two serpents coupling on an erected phallus, fertility symbol; one of the most ancient Indo-European images, found in various rites in both ancient and modern India, which became emblem of Hermes, which was passed onto Mercury

45. Her nose was crookt and turned outwarde, Her chin stoode all Awrye; And where as sholde have been her mouthe, Lo! there was set her eye: Her haires, like serpents, clung aboute Her cheekes of deadlye hewe: A worse-form'd ladye than she was, No man mote ever viewe.

46. Her nose was crookt and turnd outwàrde, Her chin stoode all Awrye; And where as sholde have been her mouthe, Lo! there was set her eye: Her haires, like serpents, clung aboute Her cheekes of deadlye hewe: A worse-form'd ladye than she was, No man mote ever viewe.

47. (Ecclesiastes 7:6) So while not being overly suspicious of others, we need to appreciate that living in “the last days,” which are hard to deal with, we need to ‘prove ourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves,’ as Jesus himself recommended.—2 Timothy 3:1; Matthew 10:16.

48. Accordingly we may repulse the demons, as being our enemies, by Adjuring them through the power of God's name, lest they do us harm of soul or body, in accord with the Divine power given by Christ, as recorded by Luke 10:19: "Behold, I have given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions,