sergeants major in English

a noncommissioned officer in the US Army or Marine Corps of the highest rank, above master sergeant and below warrant officer.
The conference is open to Active and Reserve component battalion-level and above CSS leaders in the ranks of sergeant major and above and joint service equivalents.
a warrant officer in the British army.
The senior non-commissioned member of a British unit is its regimental sergeant major .
a fish with boldly striped sides that lives in warm seas, typically on coral reefs.
Holding the chain railing, we followed our leader and had up-close encounters with yellow tails, sergeant majors , blue tang, trumpet fish, and other reef dwellers.

Use "sergeants major" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sergeants major" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sergeants major", or refer to the context using the word "sergeants major" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sergeants and corporals outnumber private soldiers.

2. After the dance, all first sergeants quartermasters, saddler sergeants, farriers, cooks and bakers report to me at headquarters.

3. Henry picked up two straggling Italian sergeants.

4. Custody sergeants don't really like to be hurried, do they?

5. Platoon sergeants fell their men in on the barrack square.

6. 24 Meanwhile, supply sergeants throughout the battalion were keeping their fingers crossed.

7. 15 Sergeants Camb and Martin were gossiping in the foyer when he emerged from the lift.

8. "Basilisks! Bear your fangs in the name of the God-Emperor!" Warcry used by Squad Sergeants during combat

9. ‘The number of officers in a battalion was thus reduced dramatically during the war, sergeants and Corporals often taking over tasks normally performed by officers.’ ‘This is the result of bad leadership, from the top generals right down to those Corporals and sergeants and captains who didn't do their duty.’

10. ‘Having Crisscrossed the street several times to visit various shops we emerged with our last purchases.’ ‘Sergeants were crisscrossing southern California, tracking down …

11. OSP’s plan creates a total of 42 new Sergeant positions, added incrementally at the rate of 8-9 Sergeants per Biennium beginning in the 2021-2023 Biennium.

12. A major Category a major Category of vehicle Theft is one of the major categories of crime

13. Canis Major.

14. What major?

15. Major hangover.

16. Two major events precipitated a major resurgence in Norwegian literature.

17. Major radius

18. Major arteries.

19. There are garrisons in major cities and major army bases.

20. Major Requirements Concentrations

21. Armed adventurists, Major?

22. Major radius (z

23. Major radius (x

24. Love The Barons' War miniatures, and want one of each in white metal? With this pledge level, you will receive all 10 of the initial Death and Taxes packs in white metal: Eustace de Lowdham on Horse, Knight Herald on Horse, The Priest of Saint Oswald on Ass, Foot Sergeants with Spears 2, Foot Sergeants Marching, The Blacksmith of Wimentun, The Merry Men 1, The Merry Men 2, Village Characters 1

25. Major hull damage, Captain.