scum in English

a layer of dirt or froth on the surface of a liquid.
green scum found on stagnant pools
(of a liquid) become covered with a layer of dirt or froth.
the lagoon scummed over

Use "scum" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scum" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scum", or refer to the context using the word "scum" in the English Dictionary.

1. Catholic scum!

2. Come on, you scum.

3. Flush those scum out.

4. Scum of the earth.

5. Move along, scum!

6. Always treated me like scum.

7. The rat-shit scum of Chicago.

8. Buba Lyrics: Scum Gang! / MJ / Pharaoh.

9. Up here, you scurvy scum.

10. It's open to the scum of the earth.

11. Rome has no shortage of criminal scum.

12. You are lower than the scum of the earth.

13. See Igor slowly realize his dad is scum.

14. How did this scum penetrate our defenses?

15. Harbour rats and alley cats And every kind of scum!

16. Skim off any scum, then add six black peppercorns.

17. At their present rate scum will get 100 points!!!

18. Getting scum off the street, that's the easy part.

19. But scum like you, even demon would dump you.

20. Come on, you scum-sucking runt of a man.

21. Men are scum but Kurt is an exception.

22. Get your hands off her, you filthy scum!

23. As the grey scum rises, skim it off.

24. The ones that aren't broken are stolen by that scum.

25. That's how much I fucking hate that damn scum bag.

26. 18 I told him she was fucking that hippie scum!

27. Why are cigar smokers cool and cigarette smokers scum?

28. Harbour rats and alley cats and every kind of scum!

29. Don't ever count me with you and your scum!

30. As far as Creste goes, he is the scum of the earth

31. You'd better get that scum of yours south of the deadline.

32. At least you've got the nerve to stand up to these scum.

33. You're also tired of humping scum any time your family needs money.

34. I was going to help the scum, as I so compassionately call them now.

35. And you let Virgil treat you like you' re fucking scum

36. Who do we know who thinks all Muggle-borns are scum?

37. We have been waiting a millennium for the Italian scum to be challenged.

38. Hawaii: Haka Tiki Mou Sha'ami Leeki Toru ( Death To Mainland Scum, But Leave Your Money ).

39. Synonyms for Canaille include masses, mob, populace, proletariat, rabble, riffraff, scum, commoners, plebs and ragtag

40. Synonyms for Chuff include brute, creep, jerk, schmuck, clown, cretin, joker, lout, scum and scumbag

41. Synonyms for Blighters include creeps, jerks, schmucks, clowns, cretins, jokers, louts, scum, scumbags and sleaze

42. Cesspool vs septic tank: Cesspools are holes in the ground that dump scum and liquid wastewater into a small area while septic tanks hold the scum and spread out the liquid wastewater over a wider area

43. Who stood up against the scum the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit.

44. On the contrary, I think the titled aristocracy are the scum of the Earth.

45. Now that new army marched against the scum of Britain and the hirelings of Prussia.

46. Look, This man is a filthy low life human- trafficking scum. that needs to be swept off.

47. Everything dumps to the Cesspool, sludge piles up at the bottom, and effluent and scum drain through the …

48. The outside Baffle should prevent the scum line that holds on solid from entering the dumping area.

49. Incidents occurred between brash foreigners, qualified as "the scum of the earth" by a contemporary diplomat, and the Japanese.

50. Aye, and against the scavenging scum of the undercity, from which the Valence factory was not so very far removed.